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Triple Challenge 30-Day Series - Coggle Diagram
Triple Challenge 30-Day Series
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1. Journaling Only
How to use Journaling only package.
Journaling Templates
What's Next?
Digital Download
8.5" x 11" PDF
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Include instructions for printing
8.5" x 11"
6" x 9"
Barnes and Nobles
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In person
Paperback Book
2. Basic
How to use Basic Package
Journaling Templates
5-day Reviews
What's Next?
Digital Download
8.5" x 11" PDF
Include Instructions for Printing
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8.5" x 11"
6" x 9"
Barnes and Nobles
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Paperback Book
3. Complete Workbook
Guided Book Content
Using the WKBK
What's your why?
Where do you want to go?
Approaching the reviews
Daily Journaling
Journaling templates
5-Day Reviews
30-Day Review
What's Next?
Why the Triple Challenge?
Purpose of WKBK
What the Triple Challenge is
What the Triple Challenge is not.
Digital Download
8.5" x 11" PDF
Other Online Platforms?
Include Instructions for Printing
8.5" x 11"
6" x 9" ?
Barnes and Nobles
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In person
Paperback Book
Companion notebook
Downloadable PDF for user to print
Spiral bound workbook format
Review Questions
5-Day Review Questions
Days 1-5
How did the first 5 days of the Triple Challenge go for you?
Was it difficult to make time to complete the steps?
Where did you decide to start reading in the bible and why?
As of this point in your life, how do you see yourself? Take a few moments to meditate on this question before answering. Be as honest as you can. It may be difficult, but this is your journey, and you are worth the time.
I have always referred to God as my Father, or Heavenly Father. How ever you choose to call Him, call Him close to you and ask Him how He sees you. If you’ve never done this before, say, “Father, come close to me.” This experience can be different for everyone, so wait for Him to come close and the ask Him, “Father, how do you see me?” Our Father communicates with us using all the senses. Write down anything you hear, see, smell, taste, feel, or think. If something seems unclear or confusing, ask Him to explain it to you. If you feel like you’re not receiving anything, just start writing whatever comes to mind.
Days 6-10
Has there been anything in the verses you have read that you didn’t understand?
What did you do in order to help yourself understand it better?
What was the outcome of reaching this understanding?
Of the verses you have read in the past 5 days, which was the most interesting to you? Why?
What are your personal opinions and beliefs about praying?
Other than praying as part of the triple challenge, what has your prayer life looked like?
Days 11-15
This is the halfway point of the challenge. How many days did it take you to complete the first 15 days of the triple challenge?
Have you felt overwhelmed about completing the daily tasks for the triple challenge? Why or why not?
Have you encountered a situation where you were able to share something that you read during the first fifteen days?
What was the outcome?
Have you noticed any changes in yourself since starting the triple challenge?
Have you heard anything from your Father about who He says you are? If not, have you asked Him lately?
Days 16-20
What is the hardest part of the triple challenge for you personally?
What have you done to overcome this difficulty?
Which part of the triple challenge comes easiest to you?
Why do you think it is the easiest part for you?
Have you shared your Triple Challenge experiences with anyone? If so, what was their response?
If you haven’t shared your experiences, why haven’t you?
In the space below, write down the name of at least one person you will share your experiences with within the next week.
Days 21-25
On average, people say it takes 21 days to create a new habit. Do you feel that this is true with your reading, praying, and journaling routine?
Have you noticed any changes in yourself?
Have you noticed any changes in the environment around you?
Habits notwithstanding, do you feel like it is an obligation to complete each day, or do you complete each day because it’s something you choose to do?
The difference is subtle, but vital. The same can be said about working for Jesus versus working from Jesus. Working for Jesus implies that it is an obligation and an attempt to earn something from Him. Working from Jesus implies that our works are an outward expression of our love and gratitude for Jesus in what He has already done and continues to do in our lives. What are your thoughts on this subtle distinction?
Days 26-30
How have the last 5 days of the Triple Challenge been for you compared to the first 5 days?
What differences in yourself have you noted in the process?
Did any specific words stick out to you in the last 5 days of reading?
How does the context of these words in the verses relate to your current circumstances?
What is something interesting that was revealed to you in your quiet time during the last 5 days?
Did you receive a word, an idea, a vision? If so, explain what it was and what you think it means. Remember, you can always ask Holy Spirit for help in revelation. When you are ready, ask Holy Spirit to join you by saying, “Holy Spirit, would you please join me?” Wait for Holy Spirit to join, and then ask for help. You can talk to Holy Spirit like you would to your best friend. If it’s your first time doing something like this, write about your experience.
30-Day Review Questions
Time-Related Questions
How many calendar days did it take you to complete days 1-15?
How many calendar days did it take you to complete days 16-30?
Now, how many calendar days did it take you to complete all 30 days of the Triple Challenge?
If you were able to complete the entire 30 days of the Triple Challenge within 30 calendar days, give yourself a pat on the back because that is impressive!
What did you do to stay on schedule? How did you manage everything that life threw at you during these 30 days?
If not, what happened? Did you do better in the first 15 days or in the last 15 days?
Some people start strong and then trail off, while others start slow and finish strong.
Which category do you fall into? Is this typical with other areas of your life?
Is there anything you think you could have done differently? How do you think these changes could affect your daily life?
Impact Questions
Sometimes picking up a Bible and deciding where to start reading can seem like a daunting task. "Where do I start?" and "What should I read first?" are both common questions. Sometimes in our personal lives we are searching for answers and this influences our decision. So, as you progressed through the challenge:
Were there any situations or circumstances in your life that influenced your decisions on what to read daily for your daily readings?
What was revealed to you about your situations or circumstances through your reading, praying, and journaling times?
Have your situations or circumstances been resolved? If they have not been resolved completely, has there been any movement towards resolution? How has the Triple Challenge process tie into the resolution process?
In the 5-Day review for days 16-20 you wrote down the name of someone to share your experiences with.
Did you share your experience with that person? If so, what was the outcome of sharing your experience? If not, what stopped you from sharing your experience with this person?
Was this your first time sharing part of your testimony with someone? How was this experience for you?
Were you able to share anything from your readings or journaling with anyone else? What did you share and what was the context of the situation? What was the outcome of sharing part of your testimony with this person in this situation?
The whole purpose of the Triple Challenge is to strengthen your vertical relationship with your Father and to grow into a more mature son or daughter.
Did the daily tasks of reading, praying, and journaling throughout the Triple Challenge have a positive impact on your life? If so, how?
Are there any changes that you have noticed about yourself; i.e. fruits of the spirit expressed in your daily life? Has anyone commented to you on any changes that they have seen in you?
If this was your first time completing anything like the Triple Challenge:
What do you think of the overall process? How was it for you? Did you find completing the tasks difficult or easy?
Were you able to be completely honest with yourself in the 5-Day reviews? If so, how did it feel? If not, why not?
Foundation Questions
Looking back over the 30 days...
Which day was the worst day for you personally? What happened to make it the worst day for you? How did you handle this day? Is there any difference between how you handled it this time versus how you would have handled it in the past?
On the flip side, which day would you say was your best day? What happened to make it the best day for you? Is there anything relatable between these two days?
In Chapter 2, "What's your why?", we talked about the importance of establishing our "Why" in order to help us overcome the obstacles and circumstances that will undoubtedly show up in our lives.
Throughout the past 30 days, were there any obstacles or circumstances that came up in your life?
How did you overcome the obstacles or circumstances?
If you are still dealing with the obstacle or circumstance, what is your plan for overcoming it?
In Chapter 3, "Where do you want to go?", we discussed Covey's quote about beginning with the end in mind, and then wrote down where we wanted to go during this process (our expectations).
Did you reach your destination(s)?
Did your journey take any detours? Did you find yourself being course-corrected by your Father? Sometimes these detours can feel like a nuisance or a hinderance, but God is always walking in front of us preparing our path.
If you didn't reach your destination(s), what do you plan to do to keep on working towards these expectations?