6.3 Walter Scott and the historical novel
Born Edinburgh 1771 - creator of historical novel. Compiled legends & Scottish ballads & researched history & social life of Scotland. 1st - poet, but didn’t want to compete with Byron!
Recreated atmosphere of past, scenery & events, historical figures etc. Characters v 3 dimensional.
Famous works: The Waverley Novels, (most imp) Ivanhoe, The Lady of the Lake, Old Mortality.
Was 1 of 1st English-lang authors to succeed internationally in own lifetime, - still popular today, lots of adaptations. However, had detractors - fell out of fashion in Modernist movt due to rambling & verbose style. However, big impact (Waverley station)
6.4 Others
Mary Wollstonecraft - Vindication of the Rights of Men (1790) - response to Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790). 2 years later - Vindication of the Rights of Women - v imp text.