SST Key Quotes


"hands on backwards"

Imagery emphasises the terrible condition of the dwarf. WC of "backwards" is a reference of the idea that God created man and that the beggar was simply built incorrectly

Imitates begging stance highlighting just how hard his life is and encouraging the reader to feel sympathy

"sat, slumped like a half-filled sack"

Impression from long 's' sound that the air is deflating from the dwarf

WC of slumped highlights that the dwarf is weak and unable to support himself physically but could also relate to how he is able to support himself financially also

Simile - shows poor physical condition of dwarf and dehumanises him

Basking Shark

Aunt Julia

"three tiers of churches built in honour of St Francis, brother of the poor"

Juxtaposition - contrast of ugliness of the dwarf/ his situation and the beauty of the church emphasising his terrible condition

Word choice - St Francis gave up his wealth and life for the poor and yet it is ironic of the vast expenses that went towards the basilica to "honour" this man instead of it being used to help those less fortunate

"- this decadent townee shook on the wrong branch of this family tree"

"reveal to the illiterate the goodness of God and the suffering of His Son"

Ironic as the priest is explaining something designed to educate the illiterate yet it is only accessible to the wealthy

Word choice of "goodness of God" is ironic since God is letting one of his children suffer yet he is supposed to be "good"

Ironic as it talks about the suffering of Jesus yet blatantly ignores the beggar in front of them

"whose back was higher than his head"

Word choice highlights oppressive nature of his deformities, he physically but also perhaps emotionally weighs himself down due to his many problems

"she wore men's boots when she wore any"

Word choice of "men's" has connotations of rough and strong. This suggests her focus is on practicality rather than aesthetics - connotes strength perhaps this trait making MacCaig feel at ease

"I could not"

Repetition emphasises MacCaigs helplessness/frustration in the situation and that this is a personal experience

"the spinning wheel while her right hand drew yarn marvellously"

Word choice of "spinning wheel" has connotations of being a traditional craft highlighting that it is a unique way of living. This lifestyle shouldn't be forgotten and there is a fear of these dying out

Word of "marvelously" has connotations of magic and awe. This highlights that he admires her. Aunt Julia created a magical illusion and a sense of wonder with her presence

"By the time I had learned a little"

Establishes a tone of regret highlighting that it is now too late to bond and communicate with his Aunt. Emphasising the sadness in the loss of her

"Hers was the only house"

Highlights that this is a special and unique place for MacCaig suggesting he felt safe with Aunt Julia despite not being able to communicate with her

"he had the advantage of not being dead yet"

The only thing the beggar actually has is that he is not dead and even then the writer makes it clear that the beggar life won't last long, highlighting his terrible existence and perhaps poor health

"But I hear her still, welcoming me with a seagull's voice"

Word choice of "welcoming" highlights that he felt safe and secure when he was with her. Also conveys that their relationship is a positive one

Word choice of "seagull's voice" illuminates that he found ti difficult to understand her

"roomsized monster with a matchbox brain"

Metaphor of "roomsized" creates an extreme image suggesting it was frightening and overwhelming for MacCaig

Contrast beween "matchbox brain" with size of the shark highlights how stupid it is. Despite how it evolved physically it has clearly not done so well mentally.

Brooklyn Cop

"with two hieroglyphs in his face that mean trouble"

Metaphor suggesting he is hard to read and understand. Just as hieroglyphs are hard to read so is he. The fact that they "mean trouble" suggests a lack of inner emotion, highlighting how intimidating he looks.

"See you, babe" to his wife, he hoped it, he truly hoped it"

This highlights that the cop has a softer side despite the brutality he has to face at work. Humanises him. Suggests he is still a human and can care for people, able to differentiate between work and his home life.
Repetition of "hoped" emphasises that he really wants to survive to be able to reunite with his wife again. Also suggests he has a vulnerable side

Hotel Room, 12th Room

Visiting Hour

Humans are too focused on comfortable and superficial things and have lost touch in nature suggesting he has lost something in moving away from the natural world

Literally shaken by the sharks massive size but also metaphorically shaken by the experience. Shark is part of our family tree linked to us like ancestors. We are not as different as he first believed

"thin tissue over violence"

Just as a "tissue" is flimsy and easy to break so too is the thing stopped violence from breaking out. Highlights that danger could break out at any minute which suggests he is always at risk and lives a dangerous life.
In his job he is the thing that prevents violence so could also suggest he

"whose home is a place he might, this time, never get back to?"

Highlights that he does have vulnerabilities and that he questions his safety daily. To a cop there is a real possibility of never returning