islamic mysticism/sufism
sects/schools became politically powerful
ibn arabi 1165-1240
the perfect being as mohammed
unity of being (non delimited)
the absolute being
metaphor of the mirror
cosmology became endemic
"professed the eternity of the world, but did not proscribe fornication
al gazali 1058-1111
rumi 1207-73
barzakh - defining the indefinable
there is no god but god as pantheism
haaq - truth reality rightness
tahwid - acknowlegement of divine unity
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isthmus between spiritual and world of bodies
god said "be"
systematised and integrated sufism into islam
incoherence of philosophers
autobiography - illustrates inwardness of islam
wajud - the one, unique reality from which all other reality derives
islamic philosophy
rationalistic phase going to illumunative - eg ab arabi
paralell with ekhart
critique and integration of shiite aristotelianism
al farabi 870-950/1
incoherence of philosophers
infleuenced jewish thinking
doctrines of philosophers
a priori - apodictic intuitive truth available to philosophers
avincenna/ibn sena 980-1037
poet and sufi
dihkr - devotional act/ritual
son founded dervish sufis
sufi 4 stages
1 dominated by wants
2 struggle self criticism
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"in spring were all a little green"
"when i died as a mineral..."
islamic golden age byzantine, greek/roman,
indian, persian texts
father of islamic neoplatomism
first cause>limit of knowledge
influenced maimonides
interpreter of aristotle
being qua being
cosmology=aristotles causation, plotinus emanation, ptolemys astronomyy
intellectual work causes the universe
first cause "overflows; second eminates thought
negative theology for first cause - god
humans unique between higher immaterial and lower material
neoplatonic emanationism
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essence existence distinction, latter contingent
god=necessary existent wajib al-wujud
floating man = cogito, and soul unbounded (flying man)
book of healing inc psychology
law, medicine, natural sciences logic parroted by theologians
"the alchemy of happiness"
as an isthmus between god n man
Tasawwuf as science of the soul
purification of the inner self