Cardiovascular Assessment
Mr Belfield :


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Nursing Assessment & Diagnosis

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Nursing Sensitive Outcomes

Self Managment:

Acute Coronary Syndrome


Moorhead, S., Swanson, E.A., Johnson, M. & Maas, M. 2018, Nursing outcomes classification (NOC): measurement of health outcomes, Sixth;6;6th; edn, Elsevier, St. Louis, Missouri.

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Lifestyle Changes


Weight control

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These outcomes were chosen due to Mr Belfield's lifestyle choices. If he wants to see improvement in his heath he will have to adapt his lifestyle around the recommendations that have been made to help the prevention of another MI and help relieve some of the symptoms.

Dietary needs

Following treatment plan

Quit/ reduce smoking

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Alcohol reduction

Patient aftercare & Symptoms

ECG Frequently

Monitor vitals

Providing resources to help alleviate his stress and anxiety

Follow tailoried medication plan

Promoting healthy Eating & reducing alcohol intake

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nursing interventions :

Initiating Patient Education and Health Teachings

Establish a More Effective Medication Schedule

Provide patients with the knowledge and skills they need to properly manage their alcohol withdrawal syndrome and support successful recovery.

Educate patients about available support systems

Create a more personalised, efficient medication schedule to limit the possibility of missing doses and refills.

Lifestyle changes e.g diet ,smoking ,exercise , alcohol

further testing e.g CTA , echocardiogram ,

monitor daily weights , vitals , Food intake/output , urine intake and output

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Nursing Assessment

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Acute Coronary Syndrome

Lifestyle Changes


Weight control

Dietary needs

Following treatment plan

Quit/ reduce smoking

Alcohol reduction

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These outcomes were chosen due to Mr Belfield's lifestyle choices. If he wants to see improvement in his heath he will have to adapt his lifestyle around the recommendations that have been made to help the prevention of another MI and help relieve some of the symptoms.

Patient aftercare & Symptoms

ECG Frequently

Monitor vitals

Providing resources to help alleviate his stress and anxiety

Follow tailoried medication plan

Promoting healthy Eating & reducing alcohol intake

Myocardial Infarction: when the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked.

Myocardial Infarction (MI)

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Myocardial Infarction: is when the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked.

Risk Control
(Moorhead et al. 2018)

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Risk Factors include

Social smoker

Prescribed Blood pressure medication which he doesnt adhere too correctly

Poor Diet Factors - Takeaways

Reduced mobility due to occupation as truck driver = High BMI

Large alcohol intake - 3 to 4 pints, 5 nights of the week.

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This outcome was chosen based on the nursing assessment and diagnoisis which indicated myocardial Infarction

Symptoms and patients lifestyle indications corresponded to the clinical presentation of MI.

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Thus causes damage to the muscle of the heart.

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