B7 Non-communicable diseases

Diet and Exercise:

If you eat too much excess food is stored as fat.

Causal Mechanisms:

Something that explains how one factor infleunces another.

Scientists see similarities in the patterns between non-communicable diseases and lifestyle factors. It suggests a link between them known as a correlation. It may just be an increased chance.

Fast food is convenient and many eat it on the road.

Exercise is lacking due to office jobs.

Causes CV disease/ type 2 diabetes.

Heart pumps faster due to narrowing of arteries leading to higher blood pressure.


Normally we have the right balance of cells but an overbalance causes a tumour.

metastasis= cancer spreading

Benign= not as bad all in one area, grow quickly and spread, dangerous near organs as they put pressure on them.

Malignant: do spread go into other tissues, referred as cancer, original may split, can be carried in lymph odes, divides quicker than usual cells.

Radiotherapy: stop mitosis, can damage healthy cells.
Chemotherapy: stop them dividing, can make them self-destructive.


Can cause cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, lung cancer, COPD.

Damages the lining of arteries, damage causes the build up of fatty material, lead to CV disease and stroke.

The chemicals increase risk of clots leading to heart attack or stroke.

Smoking damages peoples bronchioles and alveoli in their lungs. The airways become inflamed and mucus which normally traps particles in the lungs builds up.

Carcinogens in cigarettes' damage the cells of the lungs. Normal cells over time are increasingly damaged.

Quitting is difficult: patches, gum and nicotine solutions.

Alcohol and other carcinogens:

Absorved by the blood and passes into body tissues

Small amount makes you relaxed and happy.

Too much can make you violent.

Organs like brain and liver can be damaged.

Brain can go soft and lose its structure.

Problems to babies include facial deformities and liver problems.

Ionising radiation:
Breaks cells and causes mutations, common exposure cancer, cancer of the skin.

Common effects:
Cost on families, cost on healthcare services, impact on younger working ages.