Greek Mythology and the Olympic Games

Trojans war Editors

Pairs, Aphrodites, Queen Helen, Troy

A war started because Aphrodies went to a man named Pairs to win a presnt and said I will make the love of your life love you if you choose me, then he had kidnaped the love of his life and started a war with the kingdom she came from.

Olympic Games 5 fun facts

The Olympic Games were also a religious festival held in honour of Zeus

Every four years around 50,0000 people came to Olympia

Olympic Games were the biggest sporting event in the ancient calendar

The winners were given a wreath of leaves.

The Olympic Games began over 2,700 years ago in Olympia

What Greek god or goddess are you?


List 4 additional Greek Gods or Goddess that look interesting including their power and characteristics

4 god or goddess



King of all greek god and goddess

wise fair just merciful and prudent also easily andgered

Hera is Zeus wife and the Goddess of marriage and the queen of all greek gods and goddess.

jealous and vengeful





Hera goddess of marriage

Aphrodite goddess of beauty

Poseidon god of the sea

Zeus god of greek gods and goddesses