“All Central and Eastern Europe, Allied and enemy alike, and learnt from the lips of the financial representatives of Germany and Austria unanswerable evidence of the terrible exhaustion of their countries, an occasional visit to the hot, dry room in the President's house, where the Four fulfilled their destinies in empty and arid intrigue, only added to the sense of nightmare.”
This shows the living conditions and extreme poor economic state of Germany. This "nightmare" spread everywhere, and led to German distrust in the government. This caused them to seek more extreme solutions.
Children playing with money as blocks. This demonstrates the extreme inflation taking place, and the worthlessness of money.
John Maynard Keynes was an economist who wrote a scathing attack on the treaty of Versailles and saw the economic crisis that would emerge after it passed. He foresaw that the economy would collapse and that chaos in german would follow as a result. Which it did and that led to the rise in Nazi Germany and unltimily the Hitler’s authoritarian state.