Climate Change Application


Members of the public


Earth Care Club Members

Be able to view the "public" version of the app that includes a login screen, information screens and forums that they can talk to similarly minded climate change activistists.

Can change their login credentials at any time and delete their account at any time.

Can interact with others and talk about climate change.

Can post new pieces of information about climate change.

Posts that are added would need to be verified by a staff account before they are made public.

Can check the tally of how many people have downloaded and accessed the app.

Can access the forums in the public version.



Can delete anyone's accounts with adequate reasoning attached.

Earth Care Club members


Members of the public

15-95 years old

Typically interested in climate change

A wide range of technical abilities

May have some accessiblity issues (Poor sight, colour blind, deaf, blind)

Looking for reliable information about climate change.

=<18 years old

Interested in caring for the earth and spreading the word on climate change

Also may have some accessibility issues (Poor Sight, colour blind, deaf, blind)

Most likely very adept with technology

Anywhere from 25 - 65

Might be making lessons on climate change so they would also be looking for reliable material and plenty of referencing.

Basic level of technology knowledge

Many images relating to the rising annual mean temperature.

Scatterplots and graphs showcasing the annual mean temperature rise.

One set of data that display the mean annual temperature for 2000 - 2019

Collects datasets from the Queensland Government Open Data portal

Can check the chat logs of the forums.