Optimistic vs pessimistic
Human nature is damaged by the faith, it is sinful
People cant have a flawed nature as God asks/requires people to be holy
The Manichees
People are incapable of avoiding sin and will tends to move away from goodness
Adams sin affects all people
The fall resulted in guilt
Death is a consequence/punishment for sin and all suffering is deserved
Even infant death
People can't do good deeds unless by God's grace
Salvation is the free and unmerited gift of God
Jesus is the expression of God's grace
It is theoretically possible to be good, sin can only be sin if its chosen
We become sinners if we choose to be, we are created in the same state as Adam
Death is a biological necessity not punishment
Humans will choose God using free will
Good people existed in the old testament before Jesus brought salvation
Would be unjust for God to condemn something we can't help
Form of dualism
'appetite of the body'
Reason =wisdom and judgement
Philosopher Plotinus
Ashamed of human form
Impermanent physical body, permanent world of forms
Form of good -> self-reflection
Augustine: evil not a substance turning from good
Gods grace is given undeservingly to humanity
Were tainted from the moment of birth as we are always changing + original sin
Little opportunity to escape/develop our fallen state
Where there is opportunity its to pursue earthly peace and lust
Concupiscence is an extremely strong force we cant escape from
Hell is destined from birth
Election + predestination
We are not truly free beings
Jesus redeemed humanity when he died on the cross
Baptism keeps the wound of original sin closed
Faith points people in the direction of summom bunom