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Chapter 6 - Coggle Diagram
Chapter 6
Taking Tests (Jacob Wolkiewicz)
Reading each question carefully is important, and if you don't know the answer, give the vest guess rather than just blindly guessing. You're more likely to get it right then
Don't fall for the temptation to procrastinate and study everything the night before, utilize practices like flashcards, quizlets, custom notes, etc
If you prefer paper tests over online tests, consult the professor for a work around/more information.
For harder subjects like Math, seek tutors before the test happens if you have questions. It's very helpful to perhaps understand something that wasn't clicking before thanks to outside help and the answers on the test will come more naturally.
Scan over the test before you start answering questions. Decide which sections are important to you and would require more time, and which sections you know will be easier and would require less time.
The Honest Truth ( Johana Sanchez)
When you cheat, you cheat yourself out of opportunities
Cheating may get you the right answer on an exam question, but it won't teach anything.
Cheating lowers your self-esteem because you don't think you are smart enough to know the answers.
Cheating causes stress because you are in constant fear of getting caught.
You can get penalized if you get caught cheating such as failing class or get expelled.
Technology has made it easy to cheat but it also has made it easy to get caught.
Using Test Results (Jocelyn Quintana)
Correcting Your Mistakes: Correct your wrong answers thoroughly depending on the question or subject.
Integrating Your Test Into Your Study Guide: Corrected quizzes and midterms are an important study tool. Annotate notes based on the exams. Going over notes, quizzes and exams help predict what may be on the final.
Evaluating Your Test Results: When receiving your test sit back and review it closely. Think to yourself what questions did I get wrong?, what questions did I get right? Think about any patterns you see and whether you were prepared enough.
If You Don't Get Your Test Back: Make an appointment with your instructor to review the test and your performance and take notes on whatever you have trouble with. Then add these notes to your study guide.
Test Anxiety And How to Control It (Amy's Section)
Test Anxiety is a psychological condition in which a person feels distress before during or taking a test
Anxiety during a test interferes a lot with someones ability to recall the knowledge over the test and to remember what you learned.
There are steps that you should take if you ever find your self getting stressed over a test. The steps are Be Prepared, Bounce Bad Vibes, Visualize success, its about you, have a plan and follow it, make sure to eat, and chill.
The Secrets of the Q's and A's (Francisco Guevara)
Using short answer questions can help recall or memorize information for tests or homework
Matching or comparing columns can help you find the answer to the question efficiently because it shows the difference and connection between questions or answers
Essay questions are best to use because it expands your knowledge on subjects in detail which helps for critical thinking
Studying to learn (Max Ezzell)
Study everyday, after every class. Gather your materials, apply or visualize, cement your knowledge. Don't just try to memorize the content to pass the test, study to actually understand the content.
After each unit, create an outline summarizing the content in your own words, after creating a new one go back and re-read the last unit. They should build off of each other.
A week before the exam, go over practice questions your professor gives you, do your notes cover these topics? If not, change them.
Study in small study groups, with classmates that are doing well in school
Study witch people with similar learning styles, Use multiple studying methods. Meet with them regularly and define the objective for every meeting
Have a group leader each meeting, rotate regularly. Assign follow up work for between meetings
Create note cards going over each section
Minimize distractions
Take hourly breaks
Have a consistent, weekly study time.