Nasal Congestion
28 years old
Nasal congestion
Current Medical History
repeatedly for 3 months
in week complaints are felt as much as 4x
sneezes 5x every morning, usually after being exposed to dust but does not interfere with activities.
since 4 days ago
Past Medical History
Family Health History
socio-economic history
seafood allergy
Her 👫 had a history of hypertension.
She lives in the 🌇 center and often travels by 🛵
Physical examination
General Conditions: ✅
GCS: 4-5-6
Vital signs
Pulse 82x/second
RR 20X/second
Blood pressure 120/80
🌡 36℃
👃🏼 Anterior Rhinoskopi
Edematous mucosa, wet, pale, lot of secretions, & a cobblestone appearance
Supporting Investigation
Peripheral blood examination: eosinophilia
Differential Diagnosis
Septum deviation
Polyps Nasal