Current, Voltage and Power

Resistors, Voltage Source and Current Sources

Power Dissipation and Power Conservation

Charge, Current and Voltage

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Circuit Diagrams

A node in a circuit is all the points that are connected together via the interconnecting wires

Show the way in which the components are


Determine by which components are used and how they are interconnected


Consist of electrical or electronic components
interconnected with metal wires

Every electrical or electronic device is a circuit

Measure in Coulombs (C)

An electron has a charge −1.6 × 10−19C, a proton +1.6 × 10−19C

An electrical property possessed by some atomic particles

Unlike charges attract; like charges repel

Charge never accumulates in a conductor: everywhere in a conducting path stays electrically neutral at all times

the flow of charged particles past a measurement boundary

Using an ammeter, measure in Ampères (1 A = 1 C/s

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