Bay Check Issues - Missing Vehicle
Step 1
Step 2
- No Keytag?
Check LPR to confirm this REGO has exited with the matching booking reference.
Has the vehicle exited the car park? (The exit code must match the entry code)
Check the vehicle out of the system - menu "Check Out"
Go to Step 3
Step 3
Look at the notes (Power BI OR using the "Edit" option - is the vehicle offsite for repairs or servicing etc.?
- The Keytag shows the vehicle is at another carpark
Update the system with the correct location
Complete the bay check
Vehicle is in another bay in ITB L1 OR Outside (Alcove)?
Check the Keytag is correct and update the system - Menu option "Vehicle Movement"
Bay report shows a vehicle should be in a bay, but the vehicle is not there.
Not here?
Find the key tag and check the written location
06 Oct 2023
Go to step 2
No notes
Advise Supervisor/Shift report
No further action required
- Keytag shows the vehicle is parked in MLCP or Alcove
Most likely: the staff member
has written the wrong location.
Advise day supervisor - vehicle needs to be located.