Consumer Agencies

The Consumers Association of Ireland image

This is a voluntary advice and information service for consumers

It campaign's for improved consumer laws and gives advice to consumers in disputes

Helps government plan a new consumer law

The small Claims Procedure image

if not solved it is referred to the district court judge

The judges listen to both sides and makes a decision

District court will try solve the problem directly with the retailer

The office of the Ombudsman image

The service is free of charge

If your complaint is not resolved to your liking you then complain to The ombudsman

Before making a complaint to the Ombudsman you must complain yourself to the relevant body who you are complaining about

Computer and Consumer Protection Comission (CCPC) image

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Represent consumers intrest by advising government on possible changes to consumer law

Conduct research into consumer matters

CCPC provides information and education to consumers about their personal finance and their consumer rights

Enfore consumer protection law in Ireland

European Consumer Centre (ECC) Ireland image

The Ecc supports consumers who have a problem with a supplier of goods or services in another EU Member state.

Ecc Ireland provides a free information advice service and assitance to consumers on their rights in the EU

Part of an EU-wide network of consumers centres, it can help resolve consumer dispute that arisein other in other memeber states of the EU

Comisson for regulation of utilites (CRU) image

The CRU protects consumers by resolving complaints about enegry companies that supply enegry,water,gas,electricty

some examples are Energia,Electric Ireland and Flogas

The CRU's misson is to protect the public interest in water,enegry and enegry safety

Comissons for Communications Regulation (ComReg) image

Consumers must first make the complaint to the company that has provided the service and if the complaint fails comreg will contact the provider and seek an offical response

Comreg protects consumers of comunications business such as An post,Broadband service providers (sky) Home phone providers, Mobile phone providers (vodafone)

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Its website provides advice for consumers on how to make a complaint to their provider.