Which nation in WW1 best adapted to the changes in warfare 1914-1918



Time planning

War plans prior to WW1

Schlieffen plan






9th October: Complete planning review

13th November: Submit 2500 word draft

8th January: Submit 4000 word draft + Complete the first section of the project product review

6th November: Complete first two sections of mid project review + Finished all research

27th November: Completion of mid project review


18th March: Need to be finished with the project, presentation and log


26th February: Complete the summary and reflection in the log

29th January: Complete presentation record part A + Show presentation to supervisor + book your presentation slot

Personal deadlines

9th Oct- 13th Nov: First three sections of the project done (INTRO, FRANCE + UK)

13th Nov- 8th January: All sections beside the conclusion should be drafted and hit 4000 words at least (INTO, FRANCE, UK + GERMANY

9th Oct- Finished 1914 & 1915 research

18th October: Finished 1916 research

27th October: Finished 1917 research

6th November: Finished 1918 research

Need for Kitchener's army




Battle of Mons

Battle of the Marne

Race to the sea

Invasion of Belgium/ Battle of the frontiers

1st Battle of Ypres

Kitchener's army/ Conscription

Battle of Verdun

Battle of the Somme

Nivelle offensive

Battle of Arras

Battle of Passchendaele

Hindenburg line

100 days offensive


Battle of Loos

2nd battle of Ypres

Chemical Warfare

Air forces

Failure of German plans for 1916

French counter offensive

Early successes

Events of July 1st

French early successes

Artillery/ creeping barrages

Erich von Falkenhayn

Royal flying corps

French air service

Imperial German air service

Red Baron

Strategic value of Ypres salient

Start of trench warfare

Old Contemptibles

Replaced the Old Contemptibles

Assessing how far the three main armies on the western front managed to adapt to the changes in the first world war

Directly comparing the performance of the French, British and German armies to come to a conclusion




Intro: Introducing the report. Going over how the war changed and how it defied expectations


Conclusion and comparison

Operation Michael

Meuse-Argonne offensive

Fort Douaumont

Operation Alberich

Replaced Nivelle with Petain


French Mutinies

Douglas Haig

Lowering of morale

Battle of Cambrai

Battle of Amiens


Fall of the Hindenburg line

300 words

800 words

1100 words

1300 words

1500 words

I plan to conclude that Germany adapted the best to changes in warfare on the western front, however this may change as I continue my research into the topic. I think the British army may change my mind.