River channel processes and land forms.
Suspended load - This is where small particles are transported suspended in the river. (silt and clay)
Solution - Is where rocks are dissolved into the water and cared down the river.
Salted load - Larger partials (gravel and small stones) are transported hoping along the river bed.
Factors Effecting Erosion
Load - The heavier and shaper the load the grater the chance of erosion.
Traction - Large pebbles roll along the surface of the river bed
Velocity - The grater the speed of the water the greater the potential for erosion.
Gradient - Increased gradient leads to increased velocity.
Geology - Softer rocks are easily eroded.
PH - When the water is more acidic solution is increased.
Human Impact - Deforestation, dams and bridges interfere with natural flow of the river.
Where and when it happens.
When the water velocity slows down this could be because of a change in gradient, matter is deposited and the transportation process finishes
The water volume can cause deposition.
Critical Erosion Velocity - Is the lowest the velocity of water that can move a grain of given size .
Abrasion - This is the wearing away of the bed and the bank by the load that is cared by the river.
Attrition - This is where the load cared down be the river becomes smaller and rounder as it rolls and bonces along the river bed.
Hydraulic Action - The force of water and air into cracks at the side of a river.
Cavitation - The force of air exploding which can damage solid rocks.
Corrosion - Is the removal of chemical irons weakening material.
the hjulstrom curve
A graph showing critical erosion velocity
Critical Erosion Velocity - Is the lowest the velocity of water that can move a grain of given size .
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