Can you name some things in nature that depend on each other to survive, like bees and flowers?

When you eat food, do you know where it comes from? How do you think it gets to your plate?

How do animals and plants help each other in the wild? For example, how do birds and trees depend on each other?

Do you have any pets at home? How do you take care of them, and how do they depend on you?

Can you think of a time when you needed help from someone else, like a friend or a family member?

Why do you think people work together in a community? What are some things we all need from each other?

Have you ever played a game or done an activity where you had to work as a team? How did it feel to depend on your teammates?

When we throw trash away, where does it go? How does this relate to the environment and interdependence?

Do you know what "interdependence" means?

Aaisha: creepers and trees

Reyaan: Cows and plants

Vihaan: humans depend on trees for oxygen

Neharika: Food comes from plants, processing of washing happens, market, we buy, cook and cut and comes to our plate.

Brihanya: We are dependent based on our needs.

Aaisha, Neharika and B.Joyson: Birds get food and shelter from trees. Birds help the tree..... Birds pluck out twigs, insects, bugs and seed dispersal.

Aaisha: food, water and pet gives me respect, love and care.

Reyaan: struggling with lap and brother helped. I felt respected.

Jack: Felt happy and helped.

Guaransh: People work together in a community because if they work together they will be able to do things faster.

Vihaan: We need love from each other.

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ways the seed gets dispersed- carriers of the seed.

animals, birds, humans, wind, water

Aaisha: Three leg race, I was dependent on my team. I felt have to win together.

Gauransh: In football when play matches. I depend upon my teammates for scoring a goal.

Vihaan: Garbage truck- landfill- pour to soil - to decompose and releases CO2

Neharika: How we depend on each other for our needs and survival.