1. Name EVERYTHING you need to take into consideration when planning a mission. + Extend on each





These have to be taken into consideration when planning a mission, because if an RPA is flown in these conditions then a danger is placed on those involved in the mission, the RPA and the area in which the mission is being conducted.

Type of aerodrome

If people use the place recreationally (eg. if its a public park)

Distance from aerodrome

The mission itself, (VLOS, inspection training)

Other Aircraft in the area

Other aircraft

Other aircraft need to be considered when planning the mission, because they if other aircraft are in the area then there is a risk of a collision and to prevent this communication should be maintained with other parties, such as the control tower, manned aircraft and surrounding RPA

Any hazards that may cause a threat.

The are where the operation is occurring - flat and level surface for takeoff and landing zones etc.

Ask permission to fly in the mission area

Loss of VLOS


Natural or unintentional interference

Alternate landing zones and dumping zones

Hazards need to be considered when planning the mission so that there is no risk of damage to anything when the mission is being conducted.

Duration of the mission - how many batteries you need to compete the mission

Consider people trying to walk around or in the flight area

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snacks and water

Classification of Airspace

Check NOTAMs

Fatigue Management

conduct Risk Assessment

JSA, Risk assessments

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Get permission from atc and the owners of the property e.g MTF

Flight plan of the mission


Check Wellness of the Crew