“The Ghastly Tragedy of the Suburbs” by James Kuntsler

American Landscape


Sense of Place

Meaningful, character and quality

Cultural design and a sense of identity


Define space

Places that are worth caring about

Where are we, who, where are we going?

Cultural civic design diffeenvces

"Public Realm" in US

Contrast Other Public Spaces

Civic Design

Sense of self-identity

Places not worth Caring About


Craft festival joke

ex. Boston City Hall Plaza

Afghanistan War

American idea of "home"

Main St. Issue Downtown Blocks

More than one story

Shopping bottom and residences upstairs

ex. Glens Falls NY

Retail higher up

Business and sidewalk relationship

Nature "Band-Aid"

Good Buildings

ex. Street Trees

Provide barrier and soften landscape

Industrial City Trauma


Idea of a lifestyle rather than a lifestyle

End of cheap oil

Down-Scale, Re-scale, Resize

Closer Food


Living city

Change in malls, transportation etc.

Street and block system

Courtyard, city square model

Live closer work, eachother

Local, community living

ex. School Architecture

Public Realm

Civic Life

ex. Streets

And not using civic design

The 'Hopeful Present'

Representation of values

More lively

Other building


Perceived problem

Uncaring design

"Consumers" in contrast to "citizens"

Lifestyle change supported by city

Fuel Crisis