The giver
Chapter 19: In this chapter, Jonas asks the receiver about releases so the giver shows him a recording of that day's morning release which was one that his father made of two twins. the one with less weight was going to be realesed, these was made in an ordinary room, his father got a needle and lift it with a transparent liquid then he inserted the needle into one of the baby's vains in his forehead and then the baby passed away
Chapter 20: Jonas didn't want to go home because of what he saw his dad doing, Jonas felt really bad and he was crying, The giver led him stay with him that night but he told Jonas that no one could heaar him cry, The Giver told him that it's not their fault to make those kind of things happen because ordinary people know nothing, they know nothing about how realise worked, The giver told Jonas that they were the only ones in the whole community who actually could feel something real, Jonas felt very frustrated about how all people in the community lived, just obeying orders, They started to make a plan about changing how things worked in the community, it consisted in Jonas escaping from the community and if he made it, the community would have to carry the memories by themselves given that there will be no reciever, Jonas needed to go alone because then the community would be a chaos, Jonas would left his home at midnight and before that The Giver would gave him memories of corage and to make him more strong, they made the plan
Chapter 15: The giver transmited another memory to Jonas in which he was on a sled in some snowy mountains and he satrted moving between the hillls, Jonas had so many emotions at the moment becuase he had never lived something like that and then he opened his eyes just to realize that all the time he was still on the bed. jonas sarted to question why they didnt have any of those things at the community.
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