Choosing the Delivery Method
Overview of Training Delivery method
need to understand all the options for the delivery training
often assume "training" means workshop
2 types of Delivery Methods
synchronous training
asynchronous training
Characteristic of common delivery method
Synchronous training
Live, Trainer-Led Classroom Training
Live, Trainer-Led Virtual Training
On-the-Job Training
Study groups
Asynchronous training
Self-Paced Print
Self-Paced Electronic
Audio and Video Poscasts
Blended Learning
How to Choose a Delivery Method
answer those questions help narrow down the option so you can select
What is the training expected to accomplish?
What do participants need to learn?
How many people need to be trained, and what are their responsibilities?
How often will the program be repeated? How likely is it to change?
What the urgency?
What resources are available for this programm
Where are the learners?
What are the stakeholders' preferences?