便携性无时无刻【004】While a human tutor often works one-on-one, for a specific duration and in constrained spaces, interactive learning environments can be collaborative, omnipresent, and portable. Simply speaking, ILE have unique affordances that human tutors do not,and the next generation of systems should leverage those affordances to support learning anytime, anywhere, by anyone. 人类辅导员通常是一对一的,在特定的时间和有限的空间内工作,而交互式学习环境可以是协作的、无处不在的和可移动的。简单地说,交互式学习环境具有人类辅导员所不具备的独特能力,下一代系统应利用这些能力支持任何人随时随地进行学习。