- Vasculature of the Neonate

why is fetal circulation different?

fetal blood is oxygen-poor

fetus swims in amniotic fluid

fetus breathes amniotic fluid

fetus is fed parenterally, not orally

therefore pulmonary artery doesn't carry oxygen

this is normal but haemoglbin is different

stable temperature

water helpds protect bumps

therefore hepatic portal vein is not needed

placenta replaces many functions

fetus is a symbolic parasite

fetal lungs and livers: net recievers during fetal life to help rowth, in adults lungs liver are net providers or oxygen and nutrients

fetal lungs

collapsed, unnecessary, high resistance

fetal liver - not required to excerete waste, becomes important over late gestation

developing organs, tissues are fragile therefore most blood kept away and pressure low to prevent tissue damage

how is the fetal vasculature different

foramen ovale

ductus arteriosus

ductus venosus


a passage or anastomosis between two natural channels such as blood vessels


the fetus has to survive birth

during physiologic stress then remianing blood volume is distributed to organs essential for immediate survival

3 shunts help this happen

shunt 1: ductus venosus

creates low resistance pathway through liver

from umbilical vein to caudal VC

umbilical arteries go to placenta

umblicial vein goes to the fetus

DV allows 50% blood to bypass liver

DV streams blood to formaen ovale

shunt 2: foramen ovale

shunts oxygenated blood straight throuhg RA to LA

pressure difference across FO keeps it open in fetus

patency maintained by high blood flow

shunt 3: ductus arteriosus

pressure differential between lungs and lower body streams flow back to placenta

allows equivalent ventricular function in fetus - helps develops ventricular musculature and vasculature

shunts blood in pulmonary artery straight to descending aorta

at birth

fetus must now take over all functions of placenta

fetal lungs are collapsed

fetal circulation now a closed system

fetus has no oral intake of nutrients - digestion begins

fetus has no need to regulate body temp - thermoregulation

ftal kidneys do not need to process waste - rid waste

fetal circulation must immediately become more efficient like adult circulation. process is not immediately efficient, takes time to mature

fate shunt 1

umbilical cord is ligated as placenta detaches

no blood in umbilical vein

therefore DV sphincter constrcits

blood diverted through liver (hepatic portal vein)

remnant of DV called ligamentum venosum

fetal circulation has very high PGE2 levels

no ventilation = no clearance

rapidly disappears at birth as blood oxygenated

neonatal ventilation = pulmonary clearance

PGE2 is avasodilator

during birth, vasoconstrictor levels high

fate shunt 2: foramen ovale

lungs open = low pulmonary resistance

placenta gone = high systemic pressure

blood diverted to lungs via right ventricle

remnant is called the fossa ovalis

fate shunt 3: ductus arteriosis

patency maintained by low pO2 and High PGE2 and PGE3-5 fold higher in fetus vs neonate

first breath increases pO2, DA constricts

DA is a big muscular conduit

blood flow in opened lungs

pressure lower in lung

pressure higher in body

also helps to close the DA

but can take a while for full closure

remnant called ligamentum arteriosum

summary of mechanisms

loss of placenta

birth is a huge challenge to fetus

most changes secondary to lung inflation

thyroid glucocorticoid catecholamine

all potential mechanisms

high hormone stimulation helps

C section risks

vascular resistance in body increases

increased PaO2

decreased vasodilatory prostaglandins, PGE2

closure of shunts


closure of DV in minutes

improved pulomnary clearance

no umbilical blood supply

anatomic closure within days



functional closure is relatively quick (i.e. hours)

anatomic closure is slow - weeks/years

hole in heart

failure to close results in atrial septal defect

small opening present in about 25% mammals

anatomic closure 2-7 days

if closure does not occur, ventricular setal defect = patent ductus arteriosus

functional closure in mins-hours

non life threatening

relatively common condition

reduces efficiency of heart

exertional incompetence

anatomical remnants

  1. ductus venosus become ligamentum venosum

formane ovale becomes fossa ovalis

internal umbilical vein redundant - become round ligament o the liver

ductus arteriosus become ligamentum arterosum

internal umbilical arterial atrophy - become round ligaments of the bladder

urachus as the way of draining fetal urine