History assessment-why WW1 happened
short term
long term
Alliance system
the assination of archduke franz ferdinand
Before WW1 started, Britain, Russia and France allied with each other which means that if one country was attacked then the other countries would help them. This alliance was called the Triple Entente. Germany, Italy and Austria- Hungary were in an alliance called the Triple alliance.
the kaiser wanted to be respected and feared across the world as a european power
Nationalism is where someone proudly supports their own nation and against other nations.
he was the grandchild of queen victoria and went to england often as a child and was jealous of the british empire
Militarism was where two countries raced against each other to build the better military( Ships, soldiers and other vehicles.) This happened between Germany and Britain as Britain were quite an advanced country and Germany wanted to catch up to them.
Imperialism is where one country wants to conquer other countries.
archduke franz ferdinand was the heir to the austria-hungarian throne
he was targeted by a pro bosnian group known as the black hand who believed that austria hungary should give bosnia back part of its land
The Kaiser was born with a problem related to his arm so he wanted to be better and felt that he had to show that he was more powerful and didn't have to be cared for and could manage himself.
He was related to the Queen of England at the time and used to visit regularly as a child so knew a lot about the country's army and naval forces. When he saw the ships and the army he knew he wanted to have an empire of his own one day which is one of the reassons why he was so competitive and wanted to have a bigger empire than Britain.
he was assinated by a member of the black hand by being shot along side his wife
he began tgo improve the german military to rival britains especially the navy