
Concepts of right and wrong, moral
principles guiding behavior.

Conduct or qualities marking
a professional person.

Health care ethics

known as "medical ethics" or "bioethics" , is a set of moral principles, beliefs, and value that guide us in making choices about medical care.

is our sense of right and wrong and our beliefs about rights we possess and duties

Core Principles of Health Care Ethics

to honor the patients right to make their own

to help the patient advance his/her own

No maleficence to do no harm

to be fair and treat like cases alike

Codes of Nursing From WHO

The nurse should respect the inherent worth, dignity, and rights
of every person.

The nurse’s primary responsibility is to the person seeking care.

The nurse has a duty to do good and avoid harm.

The nurse is responsible for the ethics of his or her own practice
and must carry out daily actions with integrity.

The nurse must deliver care that is safe, compassionate,
competent, and ethical.

The nurse must protect an individual when health is
endangered by another person

The nurse is responsible and accountable for
individual nursing practice.

The nurse promotes justice

The nurse maintains cooperative relationships with

The nurse participates in advancement of the

The nurse is concerned with broader societal issues
that affect health.

Nursing Codes of Ethics Theme





Mechanisms of Accountability

Nurse practice acts

Standards of nursing practice

Nursing theory and practice derived from research



Criteria Of A Profession

  1. A profession utilizes in its practice a well-defined and well-organized body of specialized knowledge that is on the intellectual level of the higher learning
  1. A profession constantly enlarges the body of knowledge it uses and improves its techniques of education and service by the use of the scientific method
  1. A profession entrusts the education of its practitioners to institutions of higher education.
  1. A profession applies its body of knowledge in practical services that are vital to human and social welfare.
  1. A profession functions autonomously in the formulation of professional policy and in
    the control of professional activity, thereby.
  1. A profession attracts individuals of intellectual and personal qualities who exalt service above personal gain and who recognize their chosen occupation as a life work
  1. A profession strives to compensate its practitioners by providing freedom of action, opportunity for continuous professional growth, and economic security.

A major theme in nursing literature and an essential facet of nursing ethics. The first nursing theorist to write about caring was Leininger (1984), who wrote, “care is the essence and the central, unifying, and dominant domain to characterize nursing”

autonomy of the profession and autonomy of the individual practitioner. Self-regulation is the mark of collective professional autonomy. Individual autonomy involves self-determination, responsibility, accountability, independence, and a willingness to take risks.

Relates to the characteristic of having a high level of specialized skill and knowledge. It is a composite of knowledge gained through long years of study in an academic setting, and superior skill. Expertise is an essential characteristic of professionals.

Means that a person has an obligation to accept responsibility and to account for his or her actions. Accountability in nursing is tied to the moral principles of fidelity and respect for the dignity, worth, and selfdetermination of patients. Safe, autonomous practice is ensured through various processes of nursing accountability.