
The spaces between the nurse’s power
and the client’s vulnerability

Sign of Over-Involvement

Boundaries Crossings: generally defined as deliberate decisions to
cross on otherwise established boundary for a therapeutic reason

Boundaries Violations: Danger signals and are usually more clear-cut because they are not being done for any reason that could be justified as "therapeutic" for the patient.

Professional sexual misconduct





Damaging to both the patient and the nurse

Is a sensitive issue

Moral Obligations: based on moral and ethical principles but are not enforceable under the law

Concept of culture : Specific individual or group`s beliefs, value or norms, and life ways that can be share, learned and transmitted.

Cultural sensitive health care: the ability to be appropriately responsive to attitudes feelings or circumstances of groups of people that groups of people that share a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage

Provision of cultural sensitive care

Knowledge of Cultures

Education and Training in Culturally
Competent Care

Critical Reflection

Cross-Cultural Communication

Culturally Competent

Culturally Competent in Health Care
Systems and Organizations

Patient Advocacy and Empowerment

Multicultural Workforce

Cross-Cultural Leadership

Evidence-Based Practice and

Implication: An awareness of one`s own cultural beliefs, values, attitudes, and practices was identified as an essential first step before learning about other cultures.

Mechanism for enhancing clinical practices and professional developement

Active participation orthopedic healthcare professional in learning activities

Involves building on the educational and experimental bases of healthcare across their professional careers

For personal purposes, self-improvement, to increase knowledge in their specific fields or to remain current in their practice

Intended to develop, maintain and improve competence in practice, teaching, research, and policy

Being sensitive and adaptive to individual cultural differences and relies on clinician self-understanding and reflection.

Strategies to collaborate with the patient and family for patient care

Understanding the concept of culturally sensitive

Experience a more positive and beneficial relationship
with healthcare workers , and better health outcomes