Ideology and art
Science of ideas
Various disciplines started delving into the meaning of the concept in search of an answer to the question of what the thing called ideology actually was
Studied the formation of ideas in the human mind
It was associated with false conciousness
Some people see it as it holds the truth
It's a a set of ideas held by a particular politically consolidated class or group
Use to consolidize power relations and hierarchy
Ideology and art
Art relates with the central categories of the social life
Art often serves political interests
Art can be considered ideological discourse
People dont see the world as it is
They see it as they expect it to be
Problems of ideology
False conciousness
It may be beyond objective factors
World view not always exact
personal distortion
Art's involved in creating a social reality
Art may interest people in the social group's ideas
Legitimization of ideologies
Influence people to do a sepcific something
Ideologist artist chanels the information to influence the viewer
Interpretation of the work
Conditions of reception
Author's intentions do not play a central role in this