Histology concept map
Function in protection secretion and absorption
Cell shapes: Squamous( thin and flattened), cuboidal( cube shaped, and columnar
Has free apical surface
Covers organs, and the body surface also lines the cavities and hollow organs
widespread throughout the body
readily divided
classified by cell shape and number of cell layers
supports, protects, and works as framework
Unlike epithelial tissues, connective tissue cells lie far apart from each other
Have an abundance of extracellular matrix, or intercellular material, composed of protein fibers and ground substance
Consistency varies from liquid to rigid, depending on the ground substance
Most connective tissues can divide
Most have a good blood supply (except cartilage)
Epithileal tissue
connective tissue
Major cell types of connective tissue are Fibroblasts: most common fixed cell type; large, star-shaped cells that secrete fibers
Major cell types of connective tissue are also Mast cells: large, fixed cells, located near blood vessels; release heparin (anticoagulant) and histamine (promotes inflammation)
Cardiac muscle tissue: Found only in the heart is also Involuntary; cannot be controlled by conscious effort,
Striated; has a striped appearance
40% of body weight is skeletal muscle, and 10% is smooth and cardiac muscle
Muscle cells, or muscle fibers, have ability to generate force, contract and shorten to provide movement
3 types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth and cardiac
Skeletal muscle tissue:
Makes up muscles that attach to bones Voluntary; can be controlled by conscious effort
Smooth muscle tissue: Named because smooth muscle cells lack striations its also Involuntary, since it cannot be stimulated to contract with conscious effort
Muscular tissue
Bind nervous tissue together, conduct phagocytosis
Neuroglia (nerve glue) Cells that support, nourish, and communicate with neurons, but do not
conduct impulses
Consist of a soma (cell body), and cellular processes (extensions), called dendrites (receive stimuli) and axons (send out signals)
Nervous tissues: Found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
Nervous Tissues
Made up of cuboidal or columnar cells
Glands that secrete products into ducts that open to a body surface are exocrine glands
Produce and secrete substances into ducts or into body fluids
Glands that secrete into body fluids or blood are endocrine glands
Mucous membranes: Line cavities and tubes that open to the outside of body, Consist of some type of epithelium and a layer of areolar
connective tissue
Serous membranes: Line cavities that do not open to the outside (thoracic and
abdominal cavities), Consist of simple squamous epithelium and a layer of areolar
connective tissue
Examples: pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum
Connective tissue membranes: Synovial membranes and Line joints and are composed entirely of connective tissue
Epithelial membranes are thin , sheet like structures composed of epithelium and connective tissue, covering body surfaces and lining body cavities; there are 3 types:Serous membranes, Mucous membranes, and Cutaneous membrane
Glands (endocrine vs. exocrine
There are 4 types of membranes in the body: 3 types of epithelial membranes and 1 type of connective tissue membrane
Types of Membranes
Organs composed of epithelial tissues
Cutaneous membrane: The skin, A dry membrane that is keratinized for protection and water-