What can we do to streamline P80 Process?

Dispatcher clicks through missing part without knowing part is missing?

Wrong part number on order

Site refuses to give up part

Manual process at site to confirm they have the part

Inventory in accurate

Rush to get WO to techs without concern for material requirements

Agent rushing

Site asked for wrong part number

Didn't confirm part number was correct


Training: Process isn't known in the field

Inventory process health

Ticket quantity harms perception of communications

250 per day - ticket

Lost communications

Automatically trigger movement of material from other site

Requires communication to backstop

Site may still want to refuse

Requires demand to be loaded in the system

24hr lead time to push part out... follow up required

Prioritization is complex

False tickets pushed ahead of real demand

Turbine not really down

Training gap

Causes backlog in work to solve false problems

gaps are bad

Virtual vs Physical discrepancy

training gap

gaps are bad

SC changing part number


Need information on what is the right part to install

Fix Master Data

Improvements continuously to perfection

Its not your part

Ignoring ask hoping it goes away

Demand is false in the system

Busy Up Tower

Existing orders not planned in the system to show the demand

Training gap

gaps are bad





Make it known by...

KPIs to point at health by role

TBC module / training for each position

Marketing on what is "good" for materials

Timeline to respond

Set expectation on who / when / how

Link to KPI for performance

Change management Required

ASK this is your role

Site this is your role

This is the why

How to undo

Business and Governance to be established

Normal Process

Escalation Path

Timeline and who

Timeline and who

Map Process and Actions

24hr limit

Goto 2nd best source, 24hrs

Go to 3rd best....

24 hours

External Sphere of Influence

Push with GOM