Medieval Literature literature

King Arthur King

Beowulf- Gods vs Evil, Identity, Strength+Skill, Wealth, Religion, Violence, Courage, Mortality, The Supernatural, Tradition+Customs :Themesbeowulf

One of the most popular monarchs of Britain was Arthur who was the Celtic king was emerged as a result of extramarital relations and deception. He was knight and fighter that conquered supernatural beings and other evil creatures during heading many adventureres on variety of dangerous journeys.

Dante dante

The poet's visit to Hell is explined in the Inferno. The Nine Circles of Hell are passed by Dante and the poet Virgil accompanied together. Satan stands when they reached the basic destination. After getting rid of the Hell, first they will make their way to Purgatory, in the end proceed on Heaven.

Inferno inferno

La Vita Nuova lavita

Dante's love of Beatrice

The Clerk's tale tale

It was about a man who always evade from marriage but his nation ask to leave his generation. Then, lord's delegation reaches ton a compromise which is finding a women and marrying. Lastly, He marry to Griselda who was ordinary family's daughter. To sum up, by this the poet tries to express humanity's true relationship to the God as an example of Griselda

Pardoner's tale pardoner

The all story is about gambling, gluttony, greed, and swearing and the writer mentions that these dont end with good results, vise verca, are the most worst sins.

The Nun's priest tale priest

The story is told by the Nun's priest which is fable and animals are utilized to express a moral lesson instead of humans

Italian poet, critical thinker, prose writer, philosoper, theorist
Well-known for the name "Western world's writer''

Augustine augustine

Caedmon's hymn hymn

Theologian, Philosopher, He has13 instant bestseller books out of them "Confessions" is the precious work of Christian literature during that moment. In this book he informs readers about his life from birth to baptism. To be specific, the book is divided into 2parts: Augustine's past and Augustine's present

Cuchullain cuchullain

Irish mythology irish

Hymn is about Gods and genre is poem. Generally, it was composed orally in Old English. When it comes to Caedmon, he was illeterate and always praises God. The God is responsible for creation of heaven and "middle-earth"for people. People also called with some names "The Glory Fasher" and ''Master Almighty". In this hymn, 3types of literal devices are used like, alliteration, caesura and allusion.

Fin Mccool mccool

CumHall was his father. One man who was Goll killed CumHall. His coach was Druid Finnegas who catches the Salmon of knowledge.

Saga&Epic saga

Saga-prose genre+warriors, heroic battles 3types:1.Kings 2. Family 3. Mythical hero Epic-narrative poem+heroes and triumphs. Supernatural or mythic features are described. Homer-Illlian and Odyssey Virgil- Armid Similes (heroic similes) are used.

It is traditional Pre-Christian stories passed through mouth to mouth by the Irish and Gaelic people. There are 4types of stories: 1. Mythological cycle

  1. Cycle of Kings
  2. The Ulster Cycle
  3. Fenian Cycle

Setanta.- The Culann's hound. It was saved in the work of the Cattle Raid of Cooley where the devastating of Ulster by Queen Mebd was described. The God Lugh was his father. There was dog's owner Culann. In the end, he ties himself to tree.

Myth&Legend myth legend

Unknown, fantastic, supernatural characters ^^^Real lives and achievements

Celtic Epic&Edda edda

Edda-women's name(great grandfather) stands for Oddi area. Poetic one is for retellings of heroes.