Peran Otak dalam Proses Belajar dan Memori

bag. otak yang dipake untuk belajar

bag. otak yang dipake untuk mengingat

proses belajar

proses mengingat

jenis ingatan

cara ingatan terbentuk

gangguan belajar

gangguan memori

main ideas

  1. To understand the physiology of learning, we must answer two questions: What changes occur in a single cell during learning, and how do changed cells work together to produce adaptive behavior?
  1. Psychologists distinguish among several types of memory, dependent on different brain areas.
  1. Learning requires changes that facilitate or decrease the activity at particular synapses

apa yang terjadi/berubah pada sebuah sel ketika belajar?

bagaimana cara kerja sel-sel yang berubah untuk menghasilkan perilaku adaptif?

long-term: memory of events from further back

short-term: memory of events that have just occurred

belajar itu nanti menimbulkan perubahan yang memengaruhi aktivitas dalam synapses

amnesia(memory loss)


gejala amnesia


basal ganglia

hebbian synapse


hippocampus are active during both the formation of memories and later recall
(Eldridge, Engel, Zeineh, Bookheimer, & Knowlton, 2005).

misal hippocampusnya damaged, itu bisa kehilangan ingatan/amnesia

tapi ada percobaan operasi yang menunjukkan emang ini work untuk meringankan epilepsi

  1. Normal working memory
  1. Severe anterograde amnesia for declarative memory that is, difficulty forming new declarative memories, especially episodic memories.
  1. Some degree of retrograde amnesia—that is, loss of old memories—mainly limited to episodic memories.
  1. Better implicit than explicit memory.
  1. Nearly intact procedural memory.
  1. anterograde amnesia (inability to form memories for events that happened after brain damage)
  1. retrograde amnesia (loss of memory for events that occurred before the brain damage)

all information initially entered a short-term storage, where it stayed until the brain had time to consolidate it into longterm memory. If anything interrupted the rehearsal before consolidation took place, the information was simply lost

pandangan ttg consolidating memories ini berubah

seharusnya kan kalo sudah consolidated ini jadi permanen, tapi

berubah jadi working memory (Hitch) it refer
to the way we store information while we are working with it.

Korsakoff’s Syndrome

Memory loss karena defisiensi thiamine (vitamin B1) yang berkepanjangan. Otak itu kan butuh vit B1 untuk metabolisme glukosa yang mana nutrisi utama otak agar bisa bekerja.

biasanya dialami alcoholic yang tidak makan apapun selain alkohol

defisiensi thiamine yang berkepanjangan menyebabkan hilang atau susutnya neurons dalam otak.


gejala khusus: confabulation, in which patients fill in memory gaps with guesses.

similar to those with damage to the prefrontal cortex: apathy, confusion, and memory loss

overlap those of hippocampal damage, with major impairment of episodic memory and sparing of implicit memory.

explicit memory

implicit memory

click to edit

memori episodik

memories of single personal events

memori semantic


procedural memory

They confabulate mainly on questions about episodic memory, such as “What did you do last weekend?” (Borsutzky, Fujiwara, Brand, & Markowitsch, 2008; Schnider, 2003).

Alzheimer’s patients have better procedural than declarative memory. They learn new skills but then surprise themselves with their good performance because they don’t remember doing it before (Gabrieli, Corkin, Mickel, & Growdon, 1993).

stimulant drugs

learning method

enhance learning by increasing arousal.

only moderate amount

You would remember more if someone engages your curiosity first by asking questions.

research finds that activity increases in several brain
areas while you are waiting for the answer, especially if you rate your curiosity high. Activity also increases greatly in several other areas when you hear the correct answer, especially if your guess had been wrong (Kang et al., 2009)

caffeine, methylphenidate (Ritalin)

gradual learning