Ancient Civilization
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Architecture: I know this because Ziggurats and temples. An example of the meaning of Ziggurats is " a massive terraced platform made of brick." So that means that they had buildings which are architecture.
Ancient Egypt
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Location: I know because the region didn't originally have a name , but the ancient Greeks called it "Mesopotamia," which means the land between the rivers. Also, an example is that "two great rivers flowed southward through the Middle East," which were called the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. (Steele 6)
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Art: In the text it says " The Mesopotamians mastered many technologies and Crafts." Also an example is " sometimes before 3500 BCE, they invented the potter's wheel, wich pottery production more efficient." Another example is " textile production was another area of technological progress." (Steele 28)
Government:I know this because the Sumerian's have their own name. One example is " the meaning of the government "land of civilized lords." This shows that they did have government. Another example "people would write things to the government known as the king lists." This shows how they used to communicate to the king .
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Religion: In the text it says" The sumerians worshiped many gods and goddesses." It also says they believed in the moon god Nanna, The god of water and wisdom Enki, Enlil was the father of all gods they believed in." (Steele 14)
Writing: In the text it says that " The Uruk had 700 different symbols that were pressed into soft clay." Also an example is " Over the centuries the marks developed into script that represented sound as well as meaning Archaeologists called this cuneiform." (Steele 12)
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Writing: I know this because"Scribes had to be experts in writing hieroglyphics an elaborate form of picture writing about 700 different signs. " Another example is "Scribes living at the end of Ancient Egypt civilization also had to be able to write greek, the language of their overlords. (Hart 34)
Art: In the text it says " From mines in the Sinai peninsula came light blue turquoise and rich blue lapis lazuli to Egypt " Also an example is " Jewelers had no knowledge of stones like diamonds, emeralds, or rubies" Another example is " You can see the glint of gold everywhere in Egyptian jewelry"
(Hart 56)
Government: In the text it says " The king was not only the most powerful and important man in Egypt he was thought to be a god " Another example is " The queen of Egypt could also be seen as a goddess the great royal wife." (Hart 10)
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Religion: I know this because " The egyptians worshiped hundreds of god and goddess; sometimes it was difficult to work out who was who." Another example is " Many of the gods were repesented by animals, thoth go of wisdom represented by a baboon.
Hart 24
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Location: In the text it says " Desert covers more than 90 percent of Egypt. " Another example is " The Egyptians lived on the banks of the nile or beside canals extending from it. This was kempt or the black land named after the rich dark silt on which farmers grew their crops" (Hart 8)
Architecture: In the text it says " It rose in six stages and is called the Step Pyramid." Another example is "The idea of this pyramid was to recreate the mound that had emerged out of the watery ground at the beginning of time, on which the Sun god stood and brought the other gods and goddesses into being." (Hart 20)
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Ancient China
Location: I know this because on page 6 it says "China was cut off from India, West Asia, and Europe by deserts and mountains." Also on page 10 it says "at the beginning the northern part of China their heartland was the fertile land around the Yellow River." On page 38 it says that "the Yangzi river went through the southern part of china." (Cotterell 6,10,38)
Religion : I know this because the religions were Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism were known as the "three ways". China was excepting of all religions. (Cotterell 26)
Government: In the text it says "the brief reign of the first empire left a permanent impression on chinese society.The Dragon became his emblem because of the dragon."
Writing: I know because The Shang kings used oracle bones to help with important events. The cracks were the answers to questions about their ancestors. Most of the bones were tortoiseshells or ox bones. (Cotterell 11)
Commerce/ Trade: In the text it says, "Under the Mongol or Yuan dynasty trade flourished." The text also said "the Chinese merchants made profit from what was traded to be sold." It also said "They controlled the entire length of the Silk Road, a series of trade routes that led from Northern China across Asia." (Cottrell 58)
Art: I know because the artisans were very important. They were also important because they made weapons for wars and tools for agriculture they also made luxury items. Many items were prized throughout Asia and Europe, such as Chinese bronze, jade, silk, lacquer, and porcelain.
(Cotterell 56)
Architecture/Technology:The inventions of ancient China include silk, and some other things that help people find out what has happened, and some other things that help people notice things like earthquakes. (Cotterell 26,24. )
Ancient India
Location: In the text it says "The Indus River Valley covers most of modern-day Pakistan, the northwestern region of modern-day India, and a small portion of Afghanistan." The text also says "The Indus Valley region was a region rich in fertile soil, ideal for agriculture." The text states" The Indus plain is surrounded by high mountains, desert, and ocean."
(Pearson World Studies)
Writing: There is no way to decipher their writing. The text says "One of the most confusing aspects of this ancient civilization is that the writing cannot be deciphered." In the text it says " Whatever the case, the lack of decipherable texts means that we can gain no real insight into many of the details of Indus society as well as little about its government and politics."
(Pearson World Studies)
Religion: In the text it says "
Much of what we know about them today also came from sacred writing called the Vedas. " The text also says "The religion of the ancient Aryans, known as Brahmanism, was polytheistic and heavily influenced the later development of Hinduism. " Another thing that the text says is " Both religions have much in common and share many rituals. "
(Pearson World Studies)
Architecture/ Tech: In the text it says "Specifically, the people during this time cared deeply about hygiene, and their cities resembled the importance of this idea." The text also says that" This was VERY advanced for the time. " Another thing the text says is"The advanced architecture and construction techniques of the Indus cities is also shown with impressive dockyards, granaries, warehouses, brick platforms, and protective walls."
(Pearson World Studies)
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Government:The Aryan civilization had a large impact on modern-day India society. one Aryan influence on modern day India was the development of the caste system.A caste is a social group in which people are born and they cannot change. (Person World Studies)
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