Born in the foothills to the North. Parents were worshippers of Tir. Aasimar, son of Tir. Imperium heard of the faith in the village, and came and took the children. Ser Koth was 'born again' as a soldier, and was in a holy chapter meant to keep the moral of the troups up. Witnessed some hideous things and would not wish them upon his worst enemies. This lasted a long time. Began questioning his 'god' and siezed an opportunity, and absconded. Took to drink. Was close to losing faith completely, until a chance meeting with the true king of Crate, which gave him a true purpose once more. Felt renewed. Was not until he met up with the dwarf again that he felt his faith restored. Survived and set it right. Things in Crate were going to be just and right. Felt that had a debt to the group, which meant that when the time came, he would leave Crate and support us with his war on the empire of man. Now Farren has revealed that he is an elf called Adran and has been using us to restore his family name and personal quest for the sword, and has left us, Ser Koth no longer knows where he should go. Confused by why he should be on this journey.