
Is a degree of education still needed for success?

For decades university degrees have been a must-have for entry-level professional roles.

More job postings do not require a degree

Companies including IBM and Accenture, meanwhile, have invested in hiring routes such as apprenticeships so new recruits can train on the job.

Many graduates are stuck doing jobs that could be done by non-graduates.

Universities, it said, “play a huge role not only in preparing graduates for employment, but also in teaching them crucial, transferable life skills” and growing the economy.

“It’s very hard for employers to qualify workers, which is why they often default to proxies like a college degree,” said Prof Fuller.

Subject based banding

The scheme, which gives students greater flexibility to study subjects at different levels

Recognises not everyone is good at everything

Don’t pigeonhole people just by a single metric.”

intrinsic motivation. It is no longer about how people judge you, but about how you want to improve yourself,

Meritocracy in Education

A level scoring system

More room to explore various areas of interest without being overly concerned about their examination grades

More time to invest in their holistic development, such as taking part in co-curricular activities

Removal of mid years

Important wake up call

Also able to allow JC students to ease into workload

"uphill task" to reform the high stakes nature of assessments in Singapore

Entrenched mindset: Elite vs Neighbourhood schools

"Every school is a good school"

Outsiders who have a preconceived notion about what a neighbourhood school kid represents.

What neighbourhood schools may lack in resources and opportunities, the experience makes up for it by giving us resilience and an underdog spirit.