WH IA Topic ideas
Enlightenment (development of western thought)
Independence movements
Authoritarian and single party states (dictatorships)
Relate to a person/prominent figure in history
Feminism/event that sparked the women empowerment movement
Prominent figures/thinkers/influencers that shaped this era
Joan of Arc
French revolution
nazi pov
Hitler's pov
Why he did what he did
study their democracy
Che Guevara
leonardo da vinci
Malala Yousafzai
NOTE* double check if she counts as historical - the shooting happen in 2012
How did the event(the shooting) change people's views on education for females?
What impact did the shooting have on the women empowerment movement?
Marie Antoinette
Wonder Woman??
What impact did her leadership have on the women empowerment movement?
compare statistics - before and after