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Ancient Civilization river - Coggle Diagram
Ancient Civilization
Location: On page 6 it said the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers flowed southward through the Middle East. Also, the author wrote "much of the region is now hot desert, but many areas were much more fertile in antiquity." (Steele 6) 
Writing: On page 12-13 it says that they used wedge shaped symbols known as cuneiform to make letters and symbols to represent something and gave it meaning. Also, the author wrote "At first they used picture symbols to represent objects such as cattle, grain, or fish. (Steele 12-13)
Art: On page 30-31 there were a lot pictures and text about the statues and sculptures that were made in this time. Also, in the text it said "This is alf of a stone mold used for making trinkets. It comes from Sippar and dates from 1900 BCE or earlier." (Steele 30-31)
Government: The religion that the Mesopotamians had shaped the type of government they had, thinking that a god would stand on behalf of a leader, meaning they were supposed to rule. Also, on page 10, it says, "Sumerian kings claimed to rule by the will of the gods and therefore had to perform certain religious duties." (Steele 10)
Religion: On Page 14-15 it said that the Sumerians worshipped many gods and goddesses. Also, the author wrote "These figures depict worshippers, who are wide-eyed with their hands clasped in prayer. The statues were made in Sumerian city-state Eshnunna and were left in temples." (Steele 14-15)
Architecture: On page 24-25 it says that the ziggurat was a lasting symbol and that it was dedicated to the Moon god, Nanna. Also, the text said "It represented a mountain, stretching from earth to the heavens. The word zigguratu is Assyrian and means "height" or "pinnacle." (Steele 24-25)
Ancient Egypt
Location: On page 8 it says that Egypt was located along the banks of the Nile River. Also, in the text it says on page 8 that farmers in Egypt lived next to a place called the Black Land that was rich silt left by the Nile River used for crops. (Hart 8)
Art: On page 56 the text says that they had goldsmiths that crafted jewelry and different rings for egyptians during that time. Also, the text said that they imported different types of stones from mines in the Sinai Peninsula. (Hart 56)
Writing: On page 34, it said that the Ancient Egyptians used a form of writing called hieroglyphics which used symbols to represent meanings, letters and words. Also, the text said, "Scribes had o be experts in writing hieroglyphs, an elaborate form of picture-writing with about 700 different signs." (Hart 34)
Religion: On page 2, it says that the Egyptians worshipped many gods and goddesses, meaning they were polytheistic. The text also said, "The egyptians worshipped hundreds of different gods and goddesses, and sometimes it was difficult to work out who was who" (Hart 24)
Government: In the text it said that The king was very powerful and important, he was also thought to be a god. Also, on page 10, it says, "He was known as the pharaoh - a word that derives from a respectful way of referring to the king by describing him as the "great house" (per - ao), meaning the palace where he lived." (Hart 10)
Architecture: On page 20 it said they built great pyramids as burial sites for pharaohs. It also says that the pyramids were constructed with 6 stages, with steps along and around the whole pyramid, used to protect the king's body buried inside.(Hart 20)
Ancient China
Architecture/Technology: On page 22, it said that most of the worlds greatest and most popular inventions came from Ancient way back in 2000 B.C. to 1300 A.D. Also, the author wrote that the emperors back then encouraged the development in science and technology. Finally, many of the inventions that were made back then are used today, like paper, paper printing, seismograph, and clocks. These were all traded along the Silk Road making China acquire more resources to continue inventing.
Location: On page 6, the text said the author wrote, "Ancient CHina remained untouched by outside influences because it was a world apart. Vast deserts and mountain ranges cut off China from other cultures in India, West Asia, and Europe." Ancient China had a lot of disputes with the Mongols which made their territory constantly change due to wars and fighting. Until, the Great Wall of China was built and it covered a huge area. Making it so China had control of a huge part of Central Asia, all the way into South Asia, and East Asia. (Cotterell 6)
Writing: On page 11, it said the Shang kings used oracle bones to talk with their ancestors. The oracle ones were burnt until they cracked. The questions were written on tortoiseshells or ox bones. (Cotterell 11)
Art: On page 56, the text stated that China was known notoriously for their exquisite arts and crafts. In fact, the luxury goods crafted by hand were mass produced and exported for goods from Asia. They also exported the materials used in these pieces of art, like jade, silk, bronze, lacquer, and porcelain. The text also states that artisans, after scholars, peasants and farmers, were the most important in the community and were well though of for their works of art. (Cotterell 56)
Trade/Commerce: On page 58, the author wrote, "They controlled the entire length of the SIlk Road, a series of trade routes that ran from Northern China across Asia." Which is how they imported all the goods and money needed for projects and to make their empire richer. The text also stated that a lot of restraints on merchants were removed so the empire was able to import and export goods at a fast pace allowing more money and materials to flow into the dynasty. (Cotterell 58) 
Government: On page 16, the text said that the governments in ancient China were really selfish back then and the emperor who ruled only cared for themself and suppressed anyone who disagreed with him. Also, the text said that the leader of the nation would be chosen by a blessing called "The Mandate of Heaven" by being a good person, helping the community, building structures, and protecting the people from disasters. Finally, the Mandate o heaven was also used for bad, people did good things just so they could achieve power and rule the people.(Cotterell 16)
Religion: On page 26, it states that there were 3 main religions that people followed which was Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. 2 of which were focused around promoting peace and respect to everyone, which was Daoism and Confucianism. Buddhism was not all that popular in ancient China and was based purely around avoiding self - indulgence but also self denial. (Cotterell 26)
Ancient India
Writing: The author said that the writing of ancient India has not yet been entirely deciphered. They also stated that because of the little information they know about the writing they can't tell of the events that happened during that time. In the text it said, "Whatever the case, the lack of decipherable texts means that we can gain no real insight into many of the details of Indus society as well as little about its government and politics." Which means we have no knowledge of what occured back then.
(Source: World Studies) 
Architecture/Technology: According to the author, the people of the Ancient Indus River Valley civilization cared immensely about their cities and planned them accordingly. Also, the text said, "The advanced architecture and construction techniques of the Indus cities is also shown with impressive dockyards, granaries, warehouses, brick platforms, and protective walls." which shows that their civilization was a lot more advanced than any other. Finally, the text mentioned that their advanced walls were used to protect much more from floods than outside invaders.(Source: World Studies)
Location: According to the text, the Ancient Indians developed a civilization over the Indus River alluvial plain in South Asia. Also, they built settlements over time because they wanted to use the fertile land and water source. Also, the text said, "The Indus River Valley covers most of modern-day Pakistan, the northwestern region of modern-day India, and a small portion of Afghanistan."
(Source: World Studies)
Government: The Ancient Indus civilization had a level of Governments in a social pyramid. The levels being organized from top to bottom. The social levels were Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra, and Dalits. Brahmin were priests and educated people. Kshatriya were rulers and warriors. Vaishya were farmers, artisans, and merchants. Sudra were laborers and servants. Finally, Dalits were not even in the pyramid, considered the lowest part of society. This was how they worked up until a constitution was signed. The Aryans made these four social classes and called them varnas. (Source: World Studies)
Religion: The author said, that the ancient Indus featured sacred religious-text called Vedas. They also had a ancient religion called Brahmanism, it was polytheistic. It also heavily influenced the development of the most popular Indian religion, Hinduism. Finally, the text said, "Both religions have much in common and share many rituals." which shows the relation between the two religions, and how Brahmanism influenced Hinduism sequentially.
(Source: World Studies)