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Me/Myself - Coggle Diagram
Family: Very close, nuclear family. I am the youngest of three brothers and extremely close to my parents and siblings. I grew up in Harrisonburg which has been a huge impact on my family experience due to the fact that my parents work at JMU.
Dad: While I talk to my dad maybe less than my mom, the quality and seriousness of the conversations we have are extremely consistent. My father also works at JMU in the athletics office so I constantly see him multiple times a week. Many of my most core ideals come from my dad including manners, gentility, and leadership. Another way my dad has seriously affected me is how important sports are in my life. While I do not play any more, it was a core part of my childhood and still has a lasting impact on me.
Zach: My older brother by 5 years who is the biggest role model in my life. I have always done what he has done and many life decisions I have made I have consoled him first and foremost. In many cases I think to myself "What would Zach do" when it matters most.
Ben: My older brother 3 years. We used to not be close and in the last few years have gotten much closer. Sadly Ben is terrible decision maker and I often find myself doing the opposite of Ben. He has made mistakes that have allowed me to lear and grow in ways that I am extremely appreciative.
Mom: Verbally very close to my mother - I call her at least 3-4 times a week on top of seeing her at least once a week as well. I have heard my whole life that I look so much like my mom which has affected me a lot. My mother works with a lot of students on campus so I am constantly meeting new people through connections from her. I feel connected to her more than anyone in the world.
Goals and aspirations: One of the driving forces in my life that connects me to college, fraternity, and work. I plan on graduating with a good degree from JMU and going to law school. I also have many goals for how I can better my fraternity.
In high school the biggest activity I was a part of was football. I played football from 3rd to 12th grade so it was a huge part of my high school life. One of the personality traits that I take the most pride in, leadership, was built specifically in junior and senior year of football. The most lasting traits I got from football were leadership and camaraderie. Since I have stopped playing I have had mixed emotions about my time playing football. I still absolutely consider myself an athlete, but I know I could never play now the way I did. I have so many fond memories of high school football, but I have accepted it is over. I am appreciative of all that I learned from high school sports and it is still a part of who I am.
In college the biggest activity I am a part of is my fraternity. While there are sometimes negative connotations with fraternities, I take extreme pride in the work I have put in. KA has become a huge part of who I am for so many reason. There is no Me without KA at the present moment. Many of my core qualities have been highlighted and heightened from my time in the fraternity. The biggest addition to myself that I have gained from the fraternity is critical thinking and problem solving. There are so many aspects of everyday life that I see through the lens of the fraternity. The best part of being in a fraternity is brotherhood. With having two older brothers and playing football for so many year, coming to JMU was different because I was missing that sense of togetherness. Being in KA with some of my best friends has really made me feel my self.
In high school I always had a job, it was a part of who I am. My first job was a ski instructor in 8th grade and since then I have always been working some sort of job. Working a job from a younger age is something that was instilled in to me by my parents. If I wanted something, I would have to work for it to get it. Having this sense of drive towards goals is a long standing part of who I am
This past summer I worked my first real job which was an internship at the court house in Harrisonburg. This job really made me reflect all summer long. This was the first job that I had had where I had to use skills I had acquired in school to help me to succeed. I took a step in my life that made me realize that my hard work was starting to pay off.
My high school friend group was toxic and I hated it. Luckily, I had a core group of 5-6 guys that did everything together. I still talk to all of them every day even now, even tho we do not get to see each other much anymore. I really learned how to be social from my friends from high school. My high school friends are engrained into my mind and self in a way that will never change. While I haven't seen some of these guys more than twice a year since high school, the duration of our friendship has lasted over 10 years and will never leave who I am.
I am incredibly grateful for my college friends. One aspect of how they are different is the maturity between us. Many of our conversations revolve around school, life, and our futures. Another big difference is the fact that I live with my friends now, not just see them at school. I live in a house of 21 guys. While I am not the best of friends with every single one of them, I find myself always around these guys that I love. Being surrounded by my friends has been such a positive change in my life in who I am.
One of the biggest and most interesting decisions of my life. Both my parents work at JMU so I have grown up going to JMU sports games and being on campus. After years of being around JMU actually coming here for college has really changed my life. With two parents who went here and now work here, and two brothers that went here, there is no Me without JMU. JMU truly feels like home to we in a way that I feel is sometimes unfair to other students. Coming to JMU also gave me something to prove. With two parents here and a brother that played on the football team it was time for me to excel in my own ways. While I am still here a huge part of what I consider my self is my school/grades. The best way that I could excel is through grades.