Late Adulthood 65 years - Death






Environmental Influences

An elderly person living with a busy social life will be posititivelty affect all domains of development. Talking and interacting with different people over different topics directly helps cognitive and socio-emotional domains. Leaving the home to go catch up with groups of people involves using and working on the physical domain.

Having a good social network with family and friends will slow down deteriorating social developments, conversely loneliness will speed up the decline

Living in a high quality nursing home will have a positive effect on all aspects of their development as they're encouraged to engage with others in physical exercises as well as mental board games and of course having lots of others to socialise with.

Erikson would call this stage of life "integrity verus despair". This is when the elderly look back on their life with either acceptance or bitteriness. This relations to their socio-emotional concept of self, but might also be hindered by their cognitive decline in retrieving infomation from long term memories (LumenLearning, n.d.).

Bandura tells us that the self belief older adults have when trying to complete an unfarmiliar task, is cruical to their success (Lagana, 2008).

The elderly person's social circle gets smaller, with a focus on emotionally posistive relationships and time with their adult children.

It is likely the elderly will be widowed and retired

The concept of self is stronger than ever, the elderly person is more secure within themselves.

Hypotheicial problems become more difficult to solve, yet basic everday problem solving is not compromised.

Retrieving information from long term memories is hindered with problems arising mostly with episodic memory.

Figuring out what to say in everyday conversation becomes harder to achieve.

The auto nervous system is impacted and reduced in efficacy, leaving the elderly person having less tolerance for extreme hot and cold.

A loss of body mass will have the eledery person lose some weight and height. This is because joints are now holding less fluid between the bones.

The effectiviness of the immune system declines, leaving the elderly adult vulnerable to many different illnesses. This includes organ systems being less efficent.

By Mitchell Fowler