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4-Ending conversation & good-byes
1- Ending a telephone conversation
-There's someone on the other line ,I must say goodbye now. / -I really have to go now .I'll call you back. / -can i call you back? something has come up
2-Signaling the end of a conversation
-It's been fun talking to you / -It's been nice chatting with you / -I'm sorry to cut you off,but i actually gotta run
3-Ending conversation abruptly
-I'm all out of time.I'll have to say good-bye now. / -let's continue this another time,I really must go / -wow!I'm late .look ,l'll call you
-good-bye /-see you later / -let's get together soon / catch
your later
5-Leaving someone
-take care / -it was a pleasure meeting you(informal) / -it's a pleasure to have met you (formal) / -nice to see you
6-Leaving a place
-ready to (go/leave) / -let's (get out , head out , hit the road / -retreat .
7-Making plans to keep in touch with someone
-I'll be in touch / -let's keep in touch / -let's do ..lunch.
Daily-life Conversation
1-Asking someone to wait
-wait a minute / just a moment / -wait your turn.
2-Introducing secrets
-just between you and me / - I'm telling you in this strictest confidence / can you keep a secret / don't let this get around
3-Promising to keep a secret
-keep it to yourself / -better keep quiet about it / -don't say (i ، who ) told you. / -play dumb /-this is not for public knowledge.
-what were we talking about? / -I'm a little absent-minded / - It was at the tip of my tongue / my mind went blank / -it doesn't sound familiar / -I'd like to remind you about ... / -It completely slipped my mind / I've lost my train of thought
5-Phrases for Being Poor
- he's short on cash / - his bank account is overdrawn / -he makes minimum wage / -he's scrimping and saving / -he's pinching pennies
5-Phrases for Being Rich
-she's very wealthy / -she's filthy rich / -she inherited a fortune / -she's quite well-off
6-when we are out of money
-I'm (dead broke/busted /bankrupt ) / - I don't have a penny to my name / -l have empty pockets / -All l have is my good name (my reputation ) / my saving are wiped out .
7-When you are in trouble
-I'm in deep trouble /- my( neck / job/reputation ) is on the line / my reputation is at stake
8-When someone is in trouble
-what kind of mess did you get yourself into? / -how are you going to dig yourself out of this one / -you've really screwed up = your goose is cooked / you've created this situation , so you must endure it
9-When calling someone crazy
- you're out of your (head - mind) / - you can't be serious / -have you gone (mad - insane) / -have you lost your (mind / senses) / -what planet are you from / have you wigged out
10-Encouraging someone to be sensible
-get (a life/real) / come back to earth
11-When you are overworked
- I scarcely have time to breathe / -I have no time to call my own
12-When someone is under stress
- calm down / -control yourself / -don't be such a worrywart / -you'll send yourself to an early grave / -don't let it get to you.
Daily-life Conversation
13-Encouraging someone to be less aggressive
-Give it ( a break / rest) / don't have a conniption fit
14-Encouraging someone not to be excited
-get a grip on yourself / don't lose your cool / take it easy / -don't go into hysterics on me
15-when some is cold
-you're (thick-skinned /cold-blooded / -you're got (a heart of stone / no heart) / - have you no ( qualms / scruples / conscience ) / try putting yourself in my situation /
16-When you are in debt
-I'm in the red / she's in over her head debt / I'm up to my ears in debt / I'm borrowing from my god to pay ...ali..
17-what to say you a smoker
-This is a non-smoking (area / building) / - please observe the no-smoking signs / - I'm sorry, but the smoke is bothering me /have you ever thought of quitting / you smoke lika a chimney
18-a smoker's response
-mind your own business / -go to a non-smoking area / i have no intention of quitting
19-Questions a smoker can ask
-Got a (match / lighter) / -can i bum a cigarette off you
20-Experssing you are under stress
-I'm freaking out (slang) / -I'm losing my mind / - I can't deal with this anymore / -my head is gonna explode / -I'm a bundle of nerves -
21-Giving advice to someone who is too busy
-you can't please everybody / -you need to set your priorities / -you're carrying the world on your shoulders / -you're (overcommitted / overdoing it) /-you can't be all things to all people
22-Encouraging someone to be prudent متعقلا
-don't jump the gun / -don't go off half-cooked / -don't count your chickens before they hatch
23-Phrase for talking about the future
-It'll happen any day now / -It's a sign of things to come /I'm counting down the days until..(sentence) / sooner or later / -It's bound to happen eventually / -Time will tell / -I'll do it right away
24-Encouraging someone to be patient
-take it as it comes / -one step at a time / -patience is a virtue / -in the long run, everything will be ok / - I'm confident it will all work out / everything in its time /
25-Expressing dissatisfaction with someone
--that doesn't cut it / is that (it/all)? / you call that finished / that doesn't make the grade
26-Expressing encouragement
- go on, you can do it / -try your luck / - that was a nice try /-nothing ventured,nothing gained / -it won't hurt you to try it / -you're on the right track / -keep up the good work / -you've almost got it / -that's a real improvement / stock it out.
27-Encouraging someone to do something
-let's see some action / -it's now or never / -i expect to see some results soon / -you're letting the world pass you by. / are you just going to sit (all day/there like a bump on log)
28-Bringing a conversation to an end
-let's call it ( a day / a night/ quits ) / let's get out of here / let's say our good-byes (formal)
29-Expressing support to someone
-I'm on your side / -I'm standing behind you / you've got my (support - backing - vote) / -you can (count on me / trust me / put your (faith / trust ) in me.
30-Offering help to someone
-If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know / -I'm here if you need me / -I'll go to bat for you / -I'll take the rap=the blame / I'll always be there for you
31-Expressing trust in someone
-I (confidence/trust) you completely / -I have the complete faith in you
32-Asking is disbelief
-no way / -are you serious / -you've got to be kidding / -he's stretching the truth / -his story is fishy / -that's an outright lie / -are you pulling my leg / he's not telling the whole truth / -that's packs of lies
33-Giving instructions to someone you've lent something to
-take care of it / -guard it with your life / don't let it out of your sight / -I want it back in one piece
34-Pledge to do something
-I promise that I'll .../ no matter what happens, I'm going to... / I really should ...