8TH SEPT, 2023
3 - 7 PM Main teacher in charge
Ms. Jayashree
Opening Ceremony
4:30 - 5 - Registrations
5 - Start aditya and khushneen
Lamp lighting - not doing
5:15 - Tishya’s speech
5:25 - UN Official’s speech - online- incharge Anishka
5:40 - Dance performance Kabir gupta both performances
5:50 - Intro to OC and EB- Anishka
6:05 - Band singing Anishka , anshul Abir Gauri Aryan S , Vansh
6:20 - Dance 2 - not doing
6:30 - Anshul speech
6:40 - Closing remarks & Refreshments
Things to remember
Ensure that all students are doing their registration at the registration desk outside the auditorium - once registered they will all wear the NIS MUNRISE I CARD
Registration desks will be manned by Nahar internal OC (organising committee) students
Teachers present Jayashree , Bhavika, Supriya, Mira , Ritu , Sakshi
Ensure that only the wash room outside the auditorium is used . external students are not allowed entry inside school on 8th Sept
All teachers will have to remain in the auditorium from 4 - 7 and discipline the students as around 300 + students will be in our campus
All teachers can leave once all students have been dispersed from school by 7 pm
IT Support personnel to be present till the end Mr. Siddhesh / Mr. Rajan
Medical room to be open and a nurse present for any unforeseen circumstance Ms. Ritu
Food refreshments to be set up outiside the auditorium 8 counters Ms. Bhavika + 4 water cannister / water bottles
Printables : three horizontal banners needed to be put. take help from sodexo Ms. Bhavika
Ms. Mira seating arrangements as per email along with podium mic + 3 mic + sound systems + laptop and projector . AC to be functional , washrooms outside auditorium to be cleaned and sodexo person kept outside for boys and girls washroom
6th floor , 7th & 8th floor Some students from the OC during the opening ceremony will ensure that all classroom arrangements in terms of cleaning , chair arrangement, placard placement , sticking committee names etc will happen simultaneously and nothing will be left to do for 9th and 10th program post the opening ceremony or on saturday morning Teacher incharge : Ms. Supriya & Ms. Ritu & Sakshi Jayashree to confirm with Rajesh sir / Mahesh Sir that set up is ready
Dispersal incharge Nahar students - Ms. Mira & Ms. Ritu Ms. Bhavika
Dispersal incharge external students : Ms. Jayashree + Ms. Supriya , Sakshi
8 Registration desks - (1 table + 2 chairs ) Ms. Bhavika 2 student volunteers / counter
Security will not do bag checking or issuing pass to students on 8th sept . A list of all students names and school (external and internal) will be shared with Mr. Ajay and main gate security