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L9 Monochromatic Aberration + Lens Design - Coggle Diagram
L9 Monochromatic Aberration + Lens Design
chromatic aberration
lateral chr ab: diff in img mag or prismatic effect
mag diff + prismatic effect diff
lens prismatic effect dep dist from OC
WL diff deg of refract -> foci spread
dioptric diff of blue + red light lens power
abbé value
identifying amount of chr ab
higher, less chr ab, lower: more fringes, reduced peripheral VA
more chr power, more blur -> more in high power lens periphery
achromatic lens
all visible WL focus at 1 pt -> no chr ab
plus lens + minus lens both w diff material
blue + red spectral line focus at lens focal pt
monochromatic aberration
light is one colour
more problematic for camera/optical system than lens
spherical aberration
peripheral rays focus at diff pt on optic axis
sph ab when obj pt on axis
pupil controls light -> not so problematic
onj pt off axis, diff in mag
diff location for peripheral focal areas cf central
oblique: light focus as 2 line img -> tangential + sagittal
dist b/w 2 line foci: astigmatic difference
diff treat if:
high amt
w high ametropia
irregular angles
w glx instead of cl
oblique astig if lens tilted -> optic axis tilt
field curvature
dioptric diff b/w actual + theoretical img focus -> img shell error
base curve -> obliq astig + power error @ min
wrong base curve -> unable to see peripheral
diff mag at diff peripheral areas cf centre
high plus -> pincushion
high minus -> barrel
wrap around lens
can req compensatiing power changes
sphcyl lens induce power change when tilted
prismatic effect when tilted
RE base out, LE base out
base in prisms needed to compensate
eyes turn slightly inwards to retain single img
sports vision
blocks peripheral vision -> brain anticipates
hypersensitivity for motion cues -> hand-eye coord improve
4 lens design variable
vertex dist
lens thickness
refractive index
front + back lens surface power
used to acq best form for lens