The emergence of the GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple) tetrarchy that escaped anti-trust, data protection and intrusive tax investigation distorted the free market, corrupted the understanding of liberty and free speech, and fractured, perhaps irreparably, the relationship between individualism, property rights and political democracy.
the new media now surpass traditional mainstream media as a means to influence voter behaviour. Virtual freedom offers the most valuable weapon for political control, manipulation and the dissemination of non-information.
Silicon Valley hosts the corporate headquarters. The Valley engineers the future, and the future is algorithmic.
The Techtopians assume they are “the solution, not the problem”. They want “one global community”, but to build it, they must first “disrupt” the old.
These intangible assets (design, branding, R&D and software) have determined the key economic changes of the last decade, from economic inequality to stagnating productivity.
generating greater inequalities in wealth across the wider society. As intangibility flourishes, the old economy stagnates.
crucial link between capitalism and democracy. Vilfredo Pareto showed, at the start of the modern democratic age, that society always reverts to a mean where 20 per cent of the population own 80 per cent of the wealth