I found this articles incredibly interesting on a vast array of points. Regarding the "The Metaverse is Bad" article, I can honestly say that I finished reading it and was terrified. In terms of my more intellectual reaction, I found it interesting how this article explicitly drew the link between VR and capitalism. This was a link I had never really considered and certainly saw how all technology, but especially VR, would be used by large companies to gain power and influence that encompasses our experience. This theme of linking VR and capitalism was found in the there articles, but it was most explicitly stated in this one.
Regarding the "Dystopian Virtual Reality is Finally Here" article, I had never really considered how our current use of technology - always connected to smartphones, social media, etc. - really is a form of VR. I finished this article and then was looking at Insta, and though I generally try to use social media only to post hi lights and keep up with friends this article made me consider how it is not real and through connecting to people through media I am entering into the VR world. I wonder how things such as phone calls and FaceTime fit into this framework, since they aren't really escaping reality more like transcending distance to bring various aspects of reality into conversation with each other.
Regarding the "Forced Empathy" article, I again had never considered the danger of using media to create empathy, both because this is a false sense of empathy and because this use of empathy can be manipulated since it is often severed from intellectual reasoning. It really calls into question human nature and the best way to promote change: it is through appeals to logic or emotion? How do we reconcile the two? Overall a very interesting article and. concept, though rather dense so I feel as though there are parts I missed.