Austro-Prussian War-(1866) was a Civil War between the 2 German kingdoms of Prussia and Austria, with it ending in a victory for Prussia which allowed them hegemony over the Northern German states and excluding Austria from Northern Germany leaving It to form Southern Germany with other southern German states, this also lead to a German alliance with Italy during the war which lead to future relations for the triple alliance. This event had lasting effects on nationalism within the former German confederation, with the people having to switch from a predominantly Austrian hegemony within the whole of the German confederation to a no longer existing German confederation being split into 2. This was a Conservative event due to Prussia volleying for power, This event also showed imperialism over German states, nationalism from German States, and Alliances between Prussia; German states and A-H; German states.
Franco-Prussian War-(War of 1870) was a war between Northern Germany later the German Empire, with the French parliament declaring war on the German Empire they ended with the German Empire besieging Paris for 4 months then ending the war in German victory. This made war more likely due to Germany now forming a new rival in France and with the chaos they've been causing in Europe it's likely that many of their neighbors started to militarize to not fall behind and feel threat of strong military. Long term effects of this is this war leads into German imperialism and the effect of militarization on their neighbors. This was a conservative action due to it being based in reserving and taking power.
Unification of Germany-(18th of January 1871, During the Franco-Prussian War) Due to the people of many German speaking states in Europe becoming more nationalistic there was a desire to form under one German Nation. Thus the German Empire was born. Not only was this empire born from nationalism but it created more nationalism in the process by uniting the German people more. The German people and government being highly nationalistic sets up WW1 due to nationalism making the people of a nation more likely to support its own nation over the detriment of others. This is a liberal event due to it being a ton of nationalists forming one nation for the benefits of the people.
League of the Three Emperors (Alliance 1872) an alliance created by Germany between itself, Russia and Austria-Hungary. The goal of this alliance was to keep 2/3 of Germany's greatest Achilles heels close while 1 was kept out their greatest rival France. This was meant to maintain their circle of power in the region and to force France into not declaring war on them, of course this would make World War more likely due to the fact that if there were to be a war declared 3 countries would be dragged in just through this one alliance making it a long term struggle. This shows alliance, through this alliance. This event was conservative because its goal was to keep out France.
The Dual Alliance (Alliance 1879) An alliance created by Germany between itself and Austria-Hungary, done because tensions in the Balkans between Russia and Austria-Hungary prevented the League of the Three Emperors from working. This alliance was specifically put in place to prevent Russia from attacking either nation due to the fact that they wouldn't declare war on both nations. Alliances would leave a long lasting impact on WW1 being the main reason for many nations being dragged into something that wasn't their conflict. This is a conservative alliance meant to maintain power in central Europe.
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