$10k per month with only 2 hours per week of work in under 6 months

Create notion templates for people building second brains

Create notion templates for non-tech tech founders

Publish everything to Gumroad

Create sales copy

Run launch campaign

Nurture audience

Achieve SEO ranking of #3 or above for at least 5 keywords

Write 15 blog posts

Create ads

Create offer

Google AdWords

Create 5 rough drafts for the long form sales copy on gumroad and landing page

Finish Sam parr copywriting course

Facebook ads

Create three different types of offers in miro board system

Create system in miro for 30x500 copywriting section

Create Readwise replacement notion template

Figure out best settings for allowing "duplicates" of a notion template through a shared platform like Gumroad

Package everything up into one standalone template

Create duplicate of my version and make it more generic

Create homepage for template

Take instructions and turn them into their own page

Gain 1000 followers across social media

Make 50 tweets based on idea content

Edit and condense ideas to be micro versions of the official template and helper concepts to use the template better

Create idea outlines and content filler by going for walks and using the pipedream flow

Optimize all copy on buildabrain.com for top keywords

Research top 20 keywords to rank for

Sign up for google search console for buildabrain.com

One session using the 30x500 ebomb brainstorming method to come up with as many ideas as possible using a blend of 30x500 ebomb and Ship 30 Endless Idea Generation methods

Finish taking notes on 30x500 copywriting section

Create system for creating offers based on on Hormozi's $100M Offers book in Miro

Take notes on Hormozi's $100M Offers book

Create 3 YouTube tutorials as teasers and helpers for how best to use the template

Create scripts for videos

Overview of template and the benefits

How to customize the options in the template

Mental models of effective systems. Importance of artifacts and rituals in a system. And Gall's Law

Improve templates for "types" in readwise database

Figure out how to set up lighting, background, and audio for best audio/visual possible

Get adobe premiere

Watch a couple of adobe premiere tutorials specifically focused on editing for courses/tutorials and how to dial in sound including not too loud or too quiet and levels between main sound and background music

Pick best background track for videos

Get epidemic sound

Research best way to drive traffic to Gumroad products

Sign up for Gumroad account

Complete launch content schedule based on HMO and 30x500 methods

Draft launch sequence in Miro board

Create system in Miro board for effective launches based on 30x500 method

Finish taking notes on launch method inside 30x500

Finalize designs for buildabrain.io wordpress blog

Install all helpful wordpress tools to help SEO and monitoring progress

Set up google adwords account

Set up facebook page and connect in to facebook ads

Painstorm 📔 readers, 🍎 learners, second brain people, productivity people

Connect blog to Ulysses

Research best practices for top selling items on gumroad, top selling notion templates, and selling on gumroad best practices

Reverse engineer the top selling gumroad products

Figure out the top 5: notion templates, figjam templates, and at least two other categories i'm not aware of yet

Fill out google sheets for the product offering, pricing tiers, how many other products they sell, how many sales, how many reviews (only 4 stars and up), any other interesting notes

Find 50 products that could be in scope in the gumroad "discover" section

Sign up for google domain for buildabrain.io email account

Create pages based on research

Create 3 Lead Generator pages

Finish the wordpress playlist to set up the baseline site

Create landing page

Create blog page

Create individual blog page

Find and dissect top favorite "product" blogs to copy (think about ebooks, notion templates blogs, rad reads, etc.)

💰 Room of Ideas

Collecting interesting ideas

How to read books and take notes?

Best newsletters to follow for ideas

The benefit of developing your own "taste"

Where to find good books?

Template for keeping track of reading list

Template for managing newsletters along with system for judging them

How to take good notes?

How to create your own note-taking system that you won't drown in?

Getting the ideas out efficiently

Doing something productive with the ideas

How much time spent creating vs. consuming?

Best podcasts to follow

"BMotW: 1 idea + 1 hot take" podcast

Manage projects template

💰 Project planner template

Red = things to sell

Yellow = content ideas

Teal = lead magnets

Project requirements template

💰 Business Health System aka Lean

Grey = connector

How to think about "tagging" and not drown?

Why projects should be requirements driven NOT tasks driven?

💰 Agile Project Management System

Readwise vs. Room of Ideas

Templates for notes on various mediums like books, podcasts, ideas, etc.

100 Day Goal Setting Worksheet (Printable PDF)

Frameworks behind the 100 Day Goal Setting Worksheet

Install wordpress plugins to help with various tasks