Social Sciences
Natural Science
Energy and Change
Matter and Material
Life and Living
Diversity and Individuality
- Characteristics of an insects
- What is an insect?
- How do some insects harm us?
- How do insects help us.
- What do we get from certain insects.
- Where do insects live or where can we find them (habitate)
- Observing the body and drawing an insect.
- Classifying insects based on where they found.
- Do insects ever damage the earth?
- How high can flying insects travel?
- Are all insects the same.
- What makes them different from animals.
- what do insects eat?
- How do insects protect themselves from harm?
- Insect life cycle
- Can humans eat insects?
- How many different species are there?
- Insects are able to hide from harm by adapting to their environment surrounding.
- Their bodies only have 3 parts as well as antenaes.
- Insect life only has four life cycles, some three. Egg, then larvae following pupa and the adult stage. Their life cycle consists of some changing form such as caterpillars into butterflies.(Brown, W. 2023)
- Certain insects give us honey, beeswax and also silk.(Unknown. n.d)
- In most parts of Asia insects are considered one of the most requested diets.
- Bees are believed to help ease humans from pain by being stung on the tender area.
- The high demand insects are beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, worms, locusts and even ants.
- Insects help with the growth process of many foods such as our fruit and vegetables by pollinating them.
- Insects are known for improving the quality of soil however certain times locusts create chaos and damage crop for farmers, making it impossible to harvest.
- An insect is defined as a tiny animal which has six legs, wings and an antnae.
- Due to the joining legs they have, they are known as arthropods.
- Roughly between 10 and 30 million species of insects are on earth.
- Insects are known to eat leaves, flowera, fruit, roots, tree bark and seeds. (Team, K. 2023)
- The forest ranks top favorite among our insect friends. With insects suited for different weather conditions they live in our garden, in the sand, at the rivers and the list goes on.
- Some insects are harmful to humans as they contain venom or poison which could make us ill or even die. bees and ants are only but two to mention.
- Classified based on two things, do they have wings or are they wingless.
- Some winged insects can fly up to
6 000 meters above the earth, higher than Mount Everest. (Puiu, T. 2023)
- Many different kinds of insects: bees, butterflies, beetles, flies, wasps, locusts, caterpillars, worms, grasshoppers, ants, cockroaches...etc
ACTIVITY: Using egg cartons build your own insect model. Remember to watch them in the garden so they able to look realistic.
ACTIVITY: Children are giving a image to cut out. once the parts are cut they should label the different body parts and color the insect.
ACTIVITY: Fun food activity. Your teacher will allow you to explore outside and touch some insects. Build your own insect using fruit and vegetables, think about what they feel like..
ACTIVITY: Find different objects in your garden that cannot be seen easily to mimic an insect that camouflages itself. Then Give the background a realistic look so your object cannot be seen.
ACTIVITY: Find materials and objects that come from insects, then bring it to school and show your friend. Silk from a silk worm / Cricket flour / honey / wax