- Stage 1: Egg -Insects start their life as tiny eggs. These eggs can be different sizes, shapes, and colors. You can find them on branches, leaves, and the ground. Moths and butterflies especially like to lay their eggs on the lower part of leaves.
- Stage 2: The Larvae Stage - After about 2-3 weeks, the eggs turn into baby bugs called larvae. These larvae are like tiny worms. The larvae look different from the grown-up bugs they will become. Each kind of larvae hatches in its own special way. As the larvae grow, they shed their skin many times, which is called molting.
- Stage 3: The Pupa Stage - After the baby bug finishes eating and saves some food, it goes into a stage called pupa. During this time, the bug doesn't move much and takes a long nap until it's ready to become a grown-up bug. While it's in this stage, it can't eat anything.
- Stage 4: The Adult Stage - The adult stage is the last part of an insect's life cycle. After it has changed and transformed inside a cocoon, it comes out as a grown-up insect. It will have wings, antennas, legs, eyes, hair, and a body. One important job of the adult insect is to find a partner and have babies to continue the species.