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Marketing Automation Specialist, Belum Diedit - Coggle Diagram
Marketing Automation Specialist
To Expert about it & Develop the Fundamental
Prompt Writing
Reading & Brainstorm The Topic (Using Mind Maping)
Joint Comunity (Discord)
Watch The Video & Folow The Event
Appraise Your favorite Brand
Targeting Segmentation Positioning
Message & How To Influence
1 Sentence For all Adds Campaign
More Cheap
More Quality
More Fast
Usage service
As Emotinal
As Functional
Unique Value
Place & Channel
Practice & Implement It
Structure Coures with a Clear Path
Skill You Have
Fictitious or Real (Authority)
Project That Show
Show How your work Has An Impact
Measure With Prompt A.I
Chose Your Client Segmentation well
You Have Done Research
Show Being Selective
what The Purpose For Long Term
How Entusiastic You Are
Network The Employe in company
A.I Tool
Transcrib Resume Video Youtube
Monitor Competitor
What To Check
All Activity
How Often A.I Check the page
Added Notification
Free Prompt Extencion (Focus On Research) Fact Base Data
Many A.I Prompt in one Hand. (Consume alot ideas from Prompt key word Research)
Include Spesific Segmentation
Short By
Spin ReWriting
Text Repharasing A.I (To Create Original Content)
(GENERATE CONVERSION FOCUS) Adds & Social Media Creative
Blog, Social Content, E Commerce Description
Merlin (Crome Chat GPT)
Auto Efficien Respons, Email Respons, Give Objective Handle For a good Text To message
Manager A.I System
Pro & Conts List (Think Through Scenario
Create Instant Structure Stay In Your Creative Flow
Sales Email, Media Post, Press Release, Blog , meeting Agenda, Job Description, Poem
Taplio (Linkedin)
Auto Enggage People & Sending a message DM with a Certain Niches
Integrated CRM, Create List Linkedin Account & Personalize Bulk DM, Auto DM AUto Plug in
All in one Content Creation Ai (Transcript & Add Your Word, For Re COntent Productivity) = Can Add B-Roll, Images, Coloring, Background, & Add Text
Mid Journey (Image Generator)
SalesForce Einstein
HubSpot's Service
Zoho CRM with Zia AI
Microsoft Dynamic 365 AI for Sales
Oracle Adaptive Intelligent Apps for CX
Record Meeting, Take Note Realtime & Generate Automate Sumary.
Accumulation message In One Place (To Respone Everyone)
Whatsapp, Twitter, telegram, Facebook, Signal, Slack, Linkedin, Instagram, Google Chat, Reddit, Discord DMs, Slack
Video Personalization (Change Company, Personal, and Product By Text For Duplicate many Time)
Record anything you've seen, said or Heard.
Beautiful A.I
Design Bot Build Presentation (Look & Clean, and more attracted Presentation
Pitch All Key Detail Your Client To Close That Deal
Web Structure
Brand Accelerator (Accelerate Your Brand Accelerate Your Legacy)
Do You Need Partner who Manage In Bound & Outbound Marketing Startegy. Dynamic Accelerate Using A.I
SEO Maintenance
(Prompt Content Writing, Keyword Trend Analysis) SEO optimization services for marketing agencies increase visibility in organic search engine rankings, attract targeted website visitors, and generate leads.
Social Media Management
(Post & Enggage Management, Video Editing. (Without taking a Video) Our social media management service allows marketing agencies to maximize their online reach and visibility through targeted campaigns.
Campaign & Supplychain strategy
(Brainstorm The Business) The bigest part of Brand Performance is Market Fit Campaign & Supllychain in Marketing Funnel. That’s many people call “SnowBall Effect or Domino Effect.”
Why Using Brand Accelerator (Pitch)
Problem "If You Can't Stay in Performance or didn't Have Specialize Management Partner to Handle It. You will left Behind By several miles
Solution "We Specialize analyze and Implement SEO (Search Enggine Optimalization) & SMM (Social Media Management) To Reach your potential Customer & Create Sales.
How We Do it?
Make Them Stepping Towards You
In Bound Analysis
“The Good Bait is always Pitch by the Big Fish.” After receiving a lot of attention, we package your product make sure Fit to the Market.
A.I Leverange = Exposure Your Message
Dynamic Marketing Strategy
Many Pattern can be done out there, As a Prompt Writer we Brainstorming & create Mind Maping as major Pattern in your business. After all we leverange A.I Explosively to enggage more people to your Business.
Do Your Want 100 Store Offline Linked To You?
Scalling Your Business
It’s About The Model & Comunication to Establishing collaboration with multiple sellers. Now in front of you There is a skillful marketing manager who does it by data.
Call To Action
Marketing Campaign Structure
1) Interview Client Business Model & Product The Sell
2) Consumer Insight Research & Competitor Analysis
3) Create Template : Customer Pesona (STP), Value Porpotition Canvas, SMM Template.
4) Campaign Strategy
Product Market Fit
Adds Concepting & Strategy
Ads Content Execution : (Creative Production, Add Format Adaptation, Channel Selection, Media Buyer PLacement (E-Commerce or Web)
Adds Test
1 more item...
Monthly Content Strategy
Content Planing
Content Execution (Creative Production, Add Format Adaptation, Channel Selection, Media Buyer PLacement (E-Commerce or Web)
1 more item...
Job Desk
Annalysis Public Opinion
Monitor & Measure effectiveness of Brand Accelerator Activity & Media Coverage Using Various Tools & Metric
also Conduct research & Survey to understand the Public Perception & sentiment toward the company & It's Brand
Planing Event
Manage logistics, budget, invitation, attendance ect of event in online
Organize & coordinate event such as Press Conferences, Product Launches, Webinard, Interview, ect.
Generate Media Coverage & Public interest for company
Formulating Planing & Strategy
create & implement the Campaign & Initiative that align with the company's goal & objectives, & Enhance it's voice & presence through various channels.
Managing Media Relation & Request
Build & Maintain relationship with medai contacts, such as Influencers, Bloggers, Journalist.
Pitch they story ideas, Press Release, Case studies, White paper, ect. (That showcase the company achievement, Product, Service, event, ect.
Handle Media Inquires & Respond to Them in a Timely & Professional Manner.
Press Release, Pitches, media summaries, speeches, newsletter, social media post, ect.
That comunicate the company key messages & stories to the Target audience
Value Proposition
Quality (Generate Using AI)
Expertise (Generate Using Prompt Writing)
Transparency (Generate Using Project Planing Mind Maping)
Flexibility (Generate Using A.I & Creativity)
Innovative Approach (Generating Using Brainstorming & Prompt Writing)
Customer Centric (STP & Measure Brand Identity)
Reliability (Measure Campaign Comunication With KPI Target)
Inclusivity (Generate to All Stake Holder Using Persuation Method, make them feel inclusive)
Cost Effective (Cost Measure By Several Factor Like ; Size Agency, Work Scope, & Experience)
Sustainability (Create Sustainability Using Several Benchmark Like : (performance Branding & Sales, Success Rate Every Campaign & ROI, & Customer Behavior (Percent on Repeate Order).
Sugest Focus Boosting Product Market Fit & How To Achieve 50% Repeate Order To more Validate Product Market Fit)
How To Structure
Brand Research
Identify Target Audience
Choose The Right Channel
Set The Goal
Develop Key Message
Create Valueable Content
Build Relationship In Media
1 more item...
Advertising Channel
In Bound
Linkedin Profile
How To Builder
Copy & Restructure 2 Linkedin Profile That You Like & 3 Top Of LinkedIn Profile (EXCEL)
Construct A winning Linkedin Profile
The Most Outcome Client want To Achieve
High Skill, Experience & Knowledge. (Create a Good Persuation, Boosting Prompt Writing Skill)
5 Second HOOK
Offer Creation (Digital Marketer, Social Media Management & SEO)
Where Prospect Located
Asia (+$30k Yearly Salary)
What Industry That Prospect Belong To
Trading Company, Brand Company, Public Relation Industry)
Company Head Count (10-100 People)
Function Client Take (CRM, Brnad Accelerator, Marketing Campaign)
Facing With Client
Has Your Client Tried & False
If They Try Alone & Didnt Work Out
Find Out They Might Try Out In The Past & Why Didn't work,Investigate The Broke Parth & Tell them the Truth Reasurely, why we have The better option.
Did You Have Try XYZ in Past & It hasn't worked question Mark
Insert My Service & explain that a better alternative
Content Creation
Content Planner
Focus On Comment As Major Performance
Including Call To Action & Strong Feeling To comment It
Like Congragulation Comment
Asking Comment (Tell me Your Oppinion)
Focus On Video not Post
Create 2 Content a weeks
Content Pillar
Social Marketing
Brading Content
Tips Trick That Makes People Want Asking
Three Topic (Tools) For Client (Hero)
Make Your Business Move Faster
Your Brand Become An Axis
How To Use Resource Effectively (We As Part of That Resourse)
Find 5 Ideal Prospect
Out Bound
Multi Channel Marketing (Combine DIfferent Platform To Enhance Exposure)
Ideal Client
People Who Need Virtual Assistant, PR Assistant, Brand.
Track Leader & Create
Google Sheet Excel
Create a Basic Flow Of leads from connection & Request Sent
Sales Navigation
Folowup Daily
Track This Until Make sense
Basic Type message
Have you book time to speak or Meeting, What They Needs, Welcome Message, Enggage with them,
Network Hacking (Back Door)
Know Their Interest Literally
Long Tail Keywords
Keyword that associate with people you targeted
Tracking Society
Find Other People Who offering service sesame that we offer, but they already well establish and have a big folower base 20-40K
Track a Good enggagement with 2-3 time Post a Week
write down those keyword you want to go & Find The Account that match this
create a Folder on my book mark "Linkedin Influencer", => To check Their Content 2 Days Time.
Ad Comment IN Their Account to get some Traffic Ingredients = (reflect, Acknowledge, Compliment, Question)
(reflect, Acknowledge, Compliment, Question)
If The Author Think About That So (They will Re enggage Your Comment (It Push your Comment to the Top Of The Post) == "INSTANT BIG TRAFFICT."
Hire Virtual Assistant
(Speak Out About Your Business, Organizational, High Value Comment on Networking).
Profesional CRM
Application Job session
How to in Te ATS
Job seekers can also enhance their resumes using keyword-matching software, generate cover letters using AI, and even practice interviews with automated communication coaches
Keyword simulation fo (Emulate ATS Tools By scanning and matching a resume with jobs description)
two Role
Authencity matters ultimately tring to impress human.
Avoid make same resume every application
Customize Job Desk
High Light Relevant Qualification
Key Area Scope
Belum Diedit