
plants cells plant cell

animal cells

functions of organelles

contains cell wall

  • From organisms which are multicelluar.

contains chloroplasts.

  • Contains cytoplasm, small and many vacuoles, cell membrane and nucleus

used to trap sunlight and make food.

Irregular shape of cell

animal cell

protects and support in the entire cell Rigid and gives the cell a regular shape

fully permeable, anything can pass through.

Function of each parts in an animal cell: Cell membrane: A thin jelly-like substance which surrounds the entire cell, controlling substances entering and exiting the cell. Vacuole: Contains air food and minerals stored in the animal cell. cytoplasm: Jelly- like substance which acts as an area for chemical reactions to occur. nucleus: Contains DNA, which is the hereditary materials which is passed on to the off springs when mating. Controls all chemical reactions within the cell.

has a regular shape

allows photosynthesis to take place.


Jelly-like substance that fills a cell

Site where most chemical reactions take place.


Centre that control all activities that occur within the cell

contains DNA

will cause the cell to die if removed


a space within a cell

stores liquids, food and waste materials

small and numerous in animal cells, large and few in plant cells

cell membranes

thin layer on the outer layer that surrounds a cell

controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell